Chapter 9

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"Finish it off with fresh parsley," Ava said as she sliced the herb and then sprinkled it over each portion. She looked into the large pot where the rest of dinner was simmering and grinned at her masterpiece. "And that, Queen Valentine, is how you make Kyrie Emerson's favorite dinner."

Tina peered into the pot and then looked at the bowls they had served, confused by the sight in front of her. She was even more conflicted by the hotdogs wrapped in warm buns and aluminum foil and picked one up to study it. "Kyrie's favorite dinner is chili and hotdogs?"

Ava smirked. "It doesn't seem legitimate, but Kyrie is still a boy at heart. He only needs the simple things."

"Grandpa's here!" Colt yelled from the foyer.

Queen hadn't even realized that the boys were no longer upstairs, but Savanna and Immanuel must have brought them down to join the rest of the family.

"How are my two favorite kids doing?" a man asked. His voice was muffled, possibly due to hugging the boys, and when he released them, they ran into the kitchen.

"Queen, look what Grandpa gave us," Maddox said, holding up a bill.

Ava rolled her eyes and slapped her husband's arm. "They're three and four, Gerald. What are they going to do with hundred dollar bills?"

"Save it for college?" Gerald suggested with the shrug of his shoulders.

"That's very cool," Queen told the two boys. "I know a special space you can put it where no one will find it. Do you remember where that is?"

Colt pressed a finger to his chin, falling into a deep thought. "Is it our piggy bank?"

She smiled. "It is, Colt! Good job. How about you and Maddox go put it in your special piggy banks right now so you don't lose it?"

Both of them eagerly nodded their heads and then ran out of the kitchen together. When Queen looked up at the others, Ava jutted her lips and extended a hand over her chest.

"I see why Kyrie chose you to be their nanny," she said, hugging the woman. "My boys deserve all the love in the world, and it's touching to see you give them that."

"Even Kyrie," Tina murmured. She drank from her glass, hoping that no one had heard her, but the grin on Ava's face confirmed that she wasn't quiet enough.

"I'm sure Kyrie is hiding from his brother and sister, so go find him and tell him dinner is ready." Ava pushed Queen out of the kitchen and turned to ask Tina for help setting the table.

Unsure where to start looking, Queen hesitantly walked up the stairs and made her way to his bedroom. When she knocked, there was no response, so she moved on to his study. The door was open, and from where she stood in the hall, she could see him entirely focused on the file in his hand. He was obviously busy, but she had been given orders to tell him that dinner was ready. So, she knocked on his door, gathering his attention. When their eyes locked, he closed the manilla folder and tucked it away inside his desk.

"Queen, what are you doing here?"

She resisted the urge to look at his desk and show that she was the least bit curious about what he had been starting so intently at. She didn't want him thinking she cared about what other secrets he was hiding. "Your mom wants you to come down for dinner."

"Okay," he said.

"Okay," she repeated. She looked down at her shaking hands and then finally turned to the hall, but his voice stopped her.

"Are you going to quit?"

She couldn't bring herself to look at him again or even speak to him. Interacting with him would drain her, so she walked away instead, making her way back downstairs.

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