Chapter 11

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With the extra time on her hands, Queen was able to roam the grounds of the Emerson residence. She never noticed the small plot of garden in the backyard or the gazebo and bar by the pool. But then again, her first time out there since she started working for the Emerson sons would have been with Tina. Unfortunately, her fun weekend was cut short by a surprise visit from Kyrie's family.

Mallory was kneeling by the garden, watering the plants when Queen walked by. She stopped to admire the ripe tomatoes and inhaled the smell of fresh mint. When Mallory noticed her, she looked up with a shy smile.

"Mr. Emerson started this awhile ago," she explained to Queen. "He had to abandon it with his busy schedule, but I keep up with it."

"That's very thoughtful of you," Queen said, admiring the sprouting basil leaves. "Can I ask you something?"

Mallory nodded.

"How long have you been working for Kyrie?"

"Since he was born," she responded without missing a beat. "When his father expanded his chain of hotels, Ava was still pregnant with Mr. Emerson. They hired me as a maid. I was only eighteen."

Queen gaped at her. "It's been well over thirty years. Haven't you developed a close enough relationship with him to call him by his first name?"

"I'm old fashioned," she explained, laughing off the confusion on Queen's face. "I grew up learning that your superiors should never be called out of their proper titles, but Ava insisted I never address her as Mrs. Emerson."

"Oh," Queen said, frowning. "You don't have to call me Ms. Valentine then."

"As you wish, Queen."

A moment of silence passed between them before Queen spoke again. "Did you think you'd stay here this long?"

Mallory shook her head to respond and sighed, turning her attention away from the garden. "I come from a different generation. I married before I turned eighteen and had kids soon after. I fought with my husband every day to let me work. This was the first job I was offered, and without thinking about it, I took it."

"You raised your kids and all of the Emersons."

"I think I spent more time with the Emerson children more than my own." Her voice broke, but she cleared her throat to disguise the obvious pain behind her words. "It's wonderful what you are doing for Mr. Emerson and his sons, but take it from me. Don't stay here longer than you are needed."

Queen nervously scratched at the back of her head. Just as she opened her mouth to ask the woman to elaborate, a voice cut in the air, interrupting her.

"The babysitter does yard work, too?" The snarky voice made her spine crawl, but she turned to look at the man who had spoken anyway. "I see why my brother keeps you around. He's been waiting for the perfect little housewife."

"Can I get you a drink, Mr. Emerson?" Mallory asked, gathering the the herbs onto her tray.

Immanuel smiled. "A cold glass of Hennessy would be great. Thank you, Mallory."

Queen raised a brow at him, studying his loosened tie and wrinkled button down. He didn't look like he was in the best shape. "Isn't it a little too early to be drinking?"

"I'm only here for my big brother's fine collection of dark liquor." When Mallory disappeared into the house, Immanuel walked closer to the woman to examine her. Her delicate eyes were good at avoiding his gaze, and her plump, heart lips rolled together to avoid speaking out of turn. It was obvious she wanted nothing more than to be at a great distance from him. "You should join me. I'm sure Ky won't have a problem with you drinking off the clock."

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