Chapter 7

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"Queen, why is Aunt Luci wearing sparkly boots for our hike?" Colt asked as he ate his breakfast granola bar. He had been watching Lucinda apply her makeup for the past hour with minimal change to her appearance, but somewhere in between caking on her foundation and applying her false lashes, she found the time to change into a pair of jean shorts and a crop top t-shirt. With her bedazzled boots stirring up attention for the boys, Colt couldn't help but ask the question.

"Well, Aunt Luci likes to look pretty," she explained to him. It was the best explanation she could offer a three year old boy who would run into the concept of dramatic play anyway. "And that's okay."

"It's too much," Maddox said, grimacing in disgust.

"That's not nice," Queen scolded the young boy. "When a lady puts on makeup and wears nice clothes, we don't say mean things. They're still pretty."

Colt studied her face and then looked at Lucinda for comparison. "How come you don't wear makeup?"

"I do," she told him. "Not everyday though."

From behind Queen and the boys, Kyrie groaned, covering his children's eyes with his hands. "Lucinda, please wear something more appropriate in front of my kids."

"What's wrong with this?" As Lucinda pointed to her outfit, her shirt rode up along her side, exposing her vibrant pink bra. "You don't complain when we're alone."

"Lucinda," he said, practically yelling at her.

She rolled her eyes and disappeared inside the tent to retrieve a different shirt. When she emerged, she was wearing one of Kyrie's plain white tees that covered her shorts completely. "Is this better for you?"

Ignoring her, Kyrie removed his hands from his sons' eyes and turned to the trail. "Let's get started on our hike so we're back before lunch time."

Colt and Maddox followed their father. Queen made sure to stay one step behind so she could catch them in case of a slip or fall, and Lucinda struggled to keep up as she shoved her makeup back into her backpack.

The entire hike lacked consistent conversation, which Queen was grateful for. The only times they spoke was when Colt or Maddox pointed out an unfamiliar bug or expressed how much fun they were having. Lucinda panted with every step they took farther away from the campsite, and every time Queen thought her complaints were coming, Lucinda surprised her by biting her tongue.

After a few hours out in the woods, Queen had completely lost track of time. The boys had begun dragging their feet, too exhausted to carry on, so she reluctantly carried Colt while Kyrie carried Maddox on his back. They were too far from the campsite, and Queen wouldn't make it back with the small boy growing heavy in her arms, so she kneeled on the pavement to let him down.

Concerned, everyone else stopped with her, but Kyrie was the only one to speak. "What's wrong, Queen?"

"Colt, I'm sorry," she said gently to him. "You're a big boy now, so we're gonna have to walk together."

Colt pouted and looked at his father who was already letting Maddox down. "But I'm so tired. I can't walk any more."

"You and me both," Lucinda murmured with the roll of her eyes.

Queen glared at her. She was no help to the situation. "Colt Emerson, are you telling me you can't do something?"

He frowned.

"I don't like quitters," she told him. "You're not quitting on me, are you?"

He shook his head at her, and his face instantly lit up with a smile. "I'm not quitting!"

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