Chapter 13

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Queen was quiet during the ride home. Kyrie had insisted he take her and the boys back to the house since he was finished for the day anyway, but she was very displeased by his poor attempt at trying to get her alone. To his dismay, they couldn't have the conversation he wanted with his sons in the car. Queen was thankful for them though. She wasn't prepared to face Kyrie, and she wasn't sure she wanted to after the conversation she had heard in his office.

As they approached the gates, Queen knew the quietness was coming to an end. She would have to face the music and have the conversation that Kyrie wanted so bad. Once he'd pulled into the driveway, she frantically reached for her seatbelt to escape, but Kyrie cupped his hand over hers, stopping her from exiting the car.

"Boys, let's start a new art protect tonight," Kyrie said, glancing at them in the rearview mirror.

"What should we make?" Colt asked.

"Surprise us." Kyrie flashed a grin and watched his sons cheer excitedly. "Find all your supplies, and Queen and I will come help."

"Yes, sir!" Maddox said before leading his brother into the house.

When Queen and Kyrie were finally alone out on the driveway, she yanked her hand away and rolled her eyes. "Very clever way to get rid of them, Kyrie."

"I'm getting tired of you avoiding me," he said as he shut off the engine. He shifted in his seat to look at her and cupped her chin. "We've barely spoken since..."

He couldn't finish his sentence, so she did it for him. "Since you fucked me."

He inhaled sharply, closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. "It was much more than that. Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

Ignoring him, she asked, "Why'd you do that? Back in your office, why'd you ask me for my opinion?"

"I genuinely wanted to know your opinion. Now, answer me."

She laughed. She didn't meant to, but she couldn't help herself. "It's way too early for that, and I don't need to. Unlike you, I went into this prepared."

Unaffected by her verbal attack, he pulled her in and kissed her. She wasn't sure why she let him, but when their lips touched, she forgot that she wasn't allowed to touch him this way. "In a couple of weeks, please do."

She wrinkled her nose. "You can't make me, but what would you do if the test came back positive?"

He looked away, almost ashamed to have brought up the conversation now that she was asking the tough questions. "Queen, I—"

"Have absolutely no plan," she cut in. Her smile was mocking him. "I didn't sign up to be the other woman or have a secret child with someone who's announcing their wedding date this weekend."

"What are you saying?" he asked, frowning. "You'd get rid of my child?"

She glared at him. "You're talking about something that doesn't even exist."

He scratched his head. He sounded like a fool, looked like one, too. But he couldn't help it because she made him crazy. He couldn't think straight when she was near, yet she was his breath of fresh air. It was conflicting.

"Come with me to the auction," he blurted. "Come as my date."

She gaped at him. "You've lost your mind."

"I mean we should go as a family," he said to correct himself. "The boys have to come, too. You'll be there as the nanny, and I'm their father. We'll be there as a family."

"Kyrie, listen to me." She touched each of his cheeks and forced him to look at her. When their eyes met, she could see that he was visibly exhausted, broken and defeated. "Lucinda will be your wife soon. She will be your children's step mother. You will be at the auction with Lucinda and your sons as one family. Do you understand?"

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