Chapter 20

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The first day Queen received flowers, she thought it was sweet. With a printed note thanking her for her hard work, she assumed it was from a parent of one of her students. The second day she received flowers, there was no note left behind. Just a large bouquet of roses that she had to lug home. Then on the third day, her coworkers began teasing her mercilessly about a secret admirer. By the fourth day, she'd become the center of attention, a new topic to discuss. She didn't like all the focus being on her, but when the flowers continued to come in on the fifth day and spilled over into the next week, she grew tired of it. She had even requested the front desk to not send them to her classroom anymore.

Her coworkers made assumptions about who the flowers were from. From single parents who had taken a liking to Queen to coworkers who'd been caught staring at her, it was a mystery left unsolved. After over a month of employment, she was still the talk of Sunny Parks Academy.

As Queen sat in her classroom, reading over the note from the bouquet she had received for the tenth day, her nose scrunched up. Whoever had been sending the flowers hadn't even bothered to conceal their identity anymore. "Come home," she read aloud.

Two simple words made her heart wrench.

"Ms. Valentine, I'm extending your break," Swayer said as he walked into the classroom unannounced. He was the director of the preschool and often checked in on Queen to confirm she was adjusting well. It was one of the many things her coworkers teased her about, considering Swayer never did that when they started working. "There's a family here to tour. They requested you specifically."

She quirked a brow at him and set the card down. "They requested me?"

"They said they were impressed with your bio on our staff webpage," he told her. He was grinning. He always was, and it freaked her out. "They insisted that you give the tour."

"That makes zero sense."

"My job is to please the families," he said, shrugging. "They're waiting for you, so let's go."

Queen reluctantly left her chair and followed Swayer out of the classroom. On their way to the front office, she suddenly felt nervous. She had dealt with parents before but never a family wanting a tour specially from her. Once they'd arrived in the front office, two small boys charged at her.

"Queen!" they both yelled in union as their arms wrapped around her legs.

She stood frozen in shock, unsure how to respond, but when she looked up at the approaching man with a satisfied smile on his face, she instantly relaxed and dropped on her knees to embrace Colt and Maddox. "Hi, my sweet boys," she whispered gently to them.

"I missed you, Queen," Colt said, pouting.

She looked between the two boys and opened her mouth to speak, but for some odd reason, she couldn't.

"I had a conversation with them about calling you Mommy," the hovering man explained to her. He'd only said it loud enough for the two of them to hear. "It's only allowed when you are ready."

"Mr. Emerson, you know Ms. Valentine personally," Swayer stated as he looked between the family and his employee. He squinted at Queen, as if he were studying her.

"The tour," Queen said before Swayer could make out their identities. "Follow me."

With both of the boys' hands in hers, she exited the front office and made her way into the hall. Kyrie was close behind her, watching the sway of her ass as she walked. His eyes moved over her back where he remembered laying his lips and then her neck where his tongue had probed and licked her. He had the sudden urge to wrap her ponytail around his hand and have her beg him to fuck her. But he kept his hands firmly by his side as they walked down another hall.

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