Chapter 22

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Queen awoke to the sound of clattering dishes. The noise downstairs continued even as she rubbed the exhaustion out of her eyes and took in her surroundings. Although the blackout shades offered minimal light through a subtle opening, she recognized the master bedroom immediately and recalled stumbling inside with Kyrie last night. Now that it was a new day, she decided that she'd overstayed her welcome and needed to go back to Tina's apartment.

With the heavy comforter still covering her naked body, she searched for her dress. Instead she found a large paper bag sitting on the ottoman at the foot of the bed. She peered inside and furrowed her brows when she saw a few articles of her own clothing.

"Good, you're awake."

Queen jumped, startled by whoever had spoken and moved her eyes to the door. Savanna was standing in the hallway, peering inside the open bedroom. "What's all of this?"

"Your clothes, silly," Savanna responded. She allowed herself into the room and dug out a sundress. "After you shower, you can put this on."


"I brought your clothes over," she explained to the woman. With a smile on her face, she ushered Queen into the adjoining bathroom and turned the shower on. "Mom and the kids are downstairs waiting. Immanuel's on his way with Dad, and he is not happy about Kyrie's decision to marry you. So fair warning, Dad's gonna be pissed most of the day."

Queen nearly dropped the comforter around her out of shock but she tightened her grip to avoid giving Savannah an unwanted show. "What did you say?"

Savanna nervously chuckled and pulled at the hem of her skirt, pretending to adjust herself. "Did I say something? I must be going crazy. Get in the shower already."

Queen opened her mouth to protest, but before she could get another word in, Savanna shut the bathroom door. Sighing deeply, she dropped the blanket on the floor and stepped into the shower, closing the sliding panel behind her. Evidence of Kyrie's release washed down her legs and back as the running water hit her skin.

As she applied an herbal shampoo to her hair, the door opened. She turned to the intruder and smirked at the naked man approaching from behind the transparent glass. His cock laid heavy in his hand as he stroked it. His eyes moved over her body, studying every inch of her flesh drenched in water. He hungrily licked his lips as the suds from her shampoo lathered her breasts and grinned, pleased with his view.

She spread the foam down to her navel and threw her head back into the water, rinsing away the shampoo from her hair. With a quiet moan, she slid her fingers over her clit and massaged the sensitive flesh. "Are you gonna make me do this by myself?"

Kyrie's nose flared as he watched her and felt his length pulse in his hand. "That's naughty of you, Queen," he said, shaking his head in dismay. He opened the shower door and stepped in with her, instantly replacing her fingers with his. She responded by wrapping an arm around his neck and hoisted a leg around his waist. With her pussy spread wide, he gripped his cock and filled her up instead.

She gasped, surprised by his suddenly intrusion, and gripped his shoulder with her other hand to steady herself. She pressed her mouth to his chest, as if to stifle her cries as he thrusted deeply. "Kyrie," she moaned against his flesh.

He grunted in response to his name on her lips and lifted her off the shower floor, gliding the rest of his length inside her tight pussy. It thrilled him to know she was calling out to him, whispering only his name and engaging in these intimate moments with only him. But he couldn't get close enough to her. Even with his cock buried inside her, their bodies pressed together and his lips in her wet hair, there was still too much distance between them.

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