Chapter 5

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Queen's hair was still wet from the shower she had just taken. She didn't bother drying it off as she made her way down the hall to check on the boys who still had their light on. Since dinner had ended long ago and they had taken their bathes hours before, she figured they'd be asleep by now. But Kyrie was in their bedroom, reading a book to them both as he cuddled them in his arms. As he finished the last sentence and quietly closed the book, he kissed each of his sons and looked at their beds.

Queen giggled, watching him struggle to carry them both. She tiptoed into the room to take Maddox and tucked him into bed, taking the load of one growing boy off the exhausted father. Once both boys were under their covers, soundly asleep, Kyrie turned the light off and quietly closed the door, leaving it ajar.

"You got them to sleep tonight," she said, moving away from their bedroom.

Kyrie followed her down the hall where her bedroom was set up. Boxes were still crowding her space, but she had already begun unpacking. "I left some dinner for you. Please eat."

"I'm good," she assured him. She retreated into her room to put away her clothes. Kyrie lingered by the door, leaning against the frame to watch her.

"I want to apologize for Lucinda."

"No need." She was quick to dismiss him and disappeared into the walk in closet.

"Her behavior tonight was unacceptable. I spoke to her about it before she left."

"You don't have to do this," she told him, reappearing in front of him. Her hand was on the bedroom door, and she slowly pushed it, as if to shut it on him. "I should be the one apologizing. I didn't realize that you're involved with someone."

He frowned and uninvitingly stepped into her room to avoid being shut out. He needed to have this conversation with her. "I should have told you about Lucinda."

"Your personal relationships aren't my business, boss," she said, laughing. It obviously wasn't out of humor. "It's late, and I've barely gotten any unpacking done."

"I should make it up to you. I told you I'd bring those boxes in for you. At least let me help you."

"No," she quickly said, wedging herself between him and her boxes. "I got it. Thanks."

"Come on. I have to do something."

"You have to sleep," she said, shaking her head in dismay. "You can't miss another day of work. So, please go."

Dejectedly, he took a step back and ran a hand over his waves, sighing in frustration. "Goodnight then, Queen."

"Goodnight," she murmured. She watched him leave, but before he could disappear into the hall, she called out to him. "Congratulations on your engagement."

Kyrie froze, contemplated returning to her room to discuss the topic, but he chose to continue down the hall to his bedroom instead. Once he was alone, he shut the door and breathed deeply into the quiet air. Perhaps he had made a mistake by allowing Queen to sleep only a few feet from him. He wouldn't survive his new living situation.

 He wouldn't survive his new living situation

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