Chapter 12

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He could still hear her as he laid restless in the night. The quiet moans, gasps of air and sounds of her wet pussy echoed in his bedroom. He caused that. He made her cum while crying his name. Knowing she was only a couple of doors down didn't do anything to soothe the erection under his covers either. If anything, the distance, or lack thereof, was infuriating.

So, he pulled on a pair of sweats in an effort to conceal his bulge and roamed the halls, following the path to her. A ray of light was visible under her door when he stopped in front of it, which meant she was still up. Kyrie hoped that she was just as restless as he was.

He lifted a hand to her door, but when he heard the shuffling on the other side, he paused to reconsider. Then it fell silent, and with impatience consuming him, he finally knocked.

"Just a minute," she said on the other side.

After an agonizing minute of standing in the hall, the door opened for Kyrie. His gaze settled on the woman with her hair pulled into a bun, strands falling over her face and panties showing through her sheer oversized t-shirt. When she caught him staring, she tugged the hem of her shirt and turned away with a blush.

"Are you busy?" he asked, peering into her room. When he saw her laptop set up on the bed and a job finder window, his brows furrowed. "What are you doing?"

Queen turned back to close her laptop and crawled into her bed, ignoring his question. "Did you need something?"

Although he wanted to open a conversation about what he had seen, he didn't. Instead, he closed the door behind him and cradled her against the mattress, covering her body with his. "You," he whispered, slipping his fingers into her panties. "I need you."

"Kyrie, we can't do this." Her voice came out a moan, making it difficult for him to stop his wandering hands. "You're getting married."

"I know," he said, pinching her nipple through her shirt.

She gasped, surprised by the jolt of pain and pleasure it brought her. "Then we should stop."

"I know," he repeated. Despite his words, he caught her bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it. She tasted like honey, and he was curious to know how the rest of her body tasted. So, he trailed butterfly kisses down her neck, over her tender breasts, navel, and the inside of her thighs.

She was holding her breath as he showered her body with care and affection. When he sat up to meet her gaze, he sighed and held a hand over her beating heart, offering an apologetic smile.

"I can't resist you," he told her. "But I can't lose you either. What do I do?"

She swallowed hard, uncertain of what to say. But her actions seemed to serve as an answer because she slipped out of her panties and straddled Kyrie, attacking him with a passionate kiss.

Kyrie released his heavy cock from its prison and slapped it against her wet pussy. When she broke away from their kiss, he grinned devilishly and sank his pipe inside her. Her juices dripped down his length as he pummeled into her. Through quiet whimpers, she adjusted to all nine inches of him and rocked her hips, grinding against him.

Propped on his elbows, he had a full view of Queen on top of him, riding his dick with beads of sweat forming along her hairline. She was just as beautiful as he had dreamed.

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