Chapter 14

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"Daozhang? Wake Up! Daozhang? What happened? Master Xingchen? Please wake up!"

Xingchen heard those noises as he woke up from haze. He tried to sit up, but his back was throbbing with an extreme amount of pain. He lets out a heavy breath go pass through his lips as a small frown appeared on his face.

"Daozhang! You are ok? I was so worried about you. I thought you wouldn't wake up at all! Did you went to fight last night?"
Xingchen frowned more as a familiar voice kept ranting against his ears.

"A-Yubin?" Xingchen asked with a trembling voice, lifting his arm to touch the person infront of him.

Yubin stared at Xingchen with a confused expression. Yet, he lifted his hand up and interwined it with Xingchen.

"Yes, Daozhang. It's me."

Xingchen could not hold it back anymore. He pulled Yubin into a hug and broke into tears.

Yubin was clueless at that point. He doesn't know what was happening at all, "Ahh Daozhang...What happened?"

"I-i can't t-take this p-pain anymore. W-why me? Did I c-cause someone any p-problem? Why d-does he treat me l-like that? He doesn't u-understand that I..." Xingchen's voice got muffled as he sniffed loudly. Yubin rested his arm on Xingchen as he rubbed small circles on his back.

"Daozhang, what is bothering you? You can tell me..." Yubin assured.

Xingchen's sobbing got slower as he pulled back. "I-it's just a bad d-dream..."

"Ohhh Just a dream? Ah Daozhang, you made me so worried about you. I thought, you were kidnapped by a demon last night. Just look at your face. It's so red. Looks like someone slapped you. Haha Thank goodness! It's just my assumption." Yubin laughed out as Xingchen immediately cupped his cheek.

No matter how hard he tried to believe that it was just a nightmare, it became realer. His cheeks and back was hurting like hell. His whole body was aching. He wanted to sleep again and never wake up. But, what if Xue Yang really kills everyone? Xingchen shivered at the thought.

"Daozhang, I forgot to tell you the important thing! Everyone who attended the party yesterday, passed out there. They woke up this morning. Master Song is talking care of them. He asked me to look after you." Yubin stated.

"W-what?" Xingchen kind of knew, who could do that.

"Yes. Don't worry. They are all fine now. By the way, Daozhang...we don't have enough vegetables. Let's go and buy some, ok?" Yubin asked with a hope in his voice. In reality, he didn't want Xingchen to worry about the incident too much.

"O-okay. Go and wait outside. I will change my clothes first."

Yubin nodded his head in approval as he went out of the room and closed the door behind.

Xingchen immediately let out a huff as he grasped his chest tightly. With much effort, he stood up and fished out some medicine. Gulping them all down, he hiccuped.

'No, it never happened. No, it never happened. It was just a bad dream...' Xingchen kept chanting it to himself.

Although, he doesn't know how he got back to coffin home. His clothes are fresh too. Someone probably washed him up and changed his clothes. 'Was it Xue Yang?...' Xingchen shook his head at the thought as he tried to focus on other things.

After a while, he headed out of the room and got greated by a worried Song Lan. "Xingchen, are you okay? Last night-"

"I already heard it from Yubin. Did you find the culprit behind it?" Xingchen asked.

"All the dishes were extremely sweet, some people avoided them and didn't eat anything. But, everyone drank the milk, since you personally served it. I think, it's probably the milk, which infected us. Thank god you got out from the party beforehand." Song Lan stated.

"But, Yubin and I poured the milk from the container. That means, it was already poisoned before we reached the party..."

'Those villagers said...They saw Xue Yang...He was the one who threatened them to make sweet dishes. So, he poisoned the milk too?' Xingchen thought.

"Don't think about it too much Xingchen. It was just a sleeping medicine which got diluted into the milk. It didn't cause anyone harm. I will further investigate it later. You should go now. Yubin is waiting for you outside."

Xingchen nodded his head as he stepped forward. Suddenly, he felt Zichen firmly grabbing his hand from behind. Xingchen turned his head to the side.

"Xingchen, are you ok?" Zichen asked, glancing at Xingchen with a small smile on his face.

'I am not ok, Zichen. Xue Yang is back. He is going to kill us all. Save us, Zichen. Please...'

"I am fine." Xingchen said with a smile, trying to hold back his tears. He turned around and left coffin home immediately.

"Oh Daozhang! Let's go!! I am hungry already. You will buy me steamed buns, ok?" Yubin protested as a pout formed on his face.

Xingchen smiled a bit, trying his best to conceal how he was feeling inside. He nodded his head as they both headed to the market.

On the way, Yubin noticed something strange. Xingchen wasn't smiling like he would before. More then that, he was limping.

Yubin stopped walking as he confronted Xingchen, "Daozhang? Are you okay? Why are you walking like that?"

"Umm...My legs hurt." He lied. Xingchen would never say the actual reason.

"Oh...You should've told me earlier. There is a medicine shop near. I'll go and get some medicines, ok? Please go and buy the vegetables alone. I will meet you there." Yubin dashed off before Xingchen could say anything.

The Taoist Priest sighed loudly as he walked to the vegetable market. Upon hearing the seller's voice, he stopped over a cart. "Can you please give me some potatoes?" Xingchen asked politely.

"Oh...are you fucking blind? Get off." The seller shouted at Xingchen. He sighed as he went over another shop and brought potatoes.

Suddenly, he heard a seller shout at someone. Being curious, Xingchen went near the source of the chaos.

"Mister, what happened?"

"Oh Master Xingchen! This boy is so shameless. He keeps asking for stuff but doesn't have a single penny. How am I supposed to run my business if people take away stuff for free?" The seller protested.

"I will pay for him."

"But, Master-"

Xingchen fished out some money from his pouch as he handed it over to the seller.

"See? How kind our Master Xingchen is? Learn something from him! Hey? WHERE ARE YOU RUNNING OFF TO? Ahhh such a pity, he didn't even thank Master Xingchen..." The seller murmured. Xingchen smiled as that boy ran away.

"He is probably shy..." Xingchen said under his breath.

"Could be...Anyways, Master Xingchen...Would you like to have some candies? I will give them to you for free!" The seller said with warm voice.

"Do you sell...candies?"

"Yes Master Xingchen. I have different flavors of candy! This boy came everyday just to ask for them. But, I never gave him. It'll be a pity if that bratty boy would finish my candies up for free." The seller said as he sighed loudly.

An immediate frown appeared on Xingchen's face as a shiver ran down through his spine.

"Can you tell me more about this boy?"

"Umm He is young and handsome. By his looks, it seemed like, he is a cultivator too. But, he is extremely poor. Haha."

Xingchen kept thinking something with a blunt expression on his face. With trembling hands, he gave some more money to that seller, who was standing there being dumbfounded.

"I-if he ever comebacks, just give him whatever he w-wants."

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