Chapter 1

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Liz Parker was your average 14 year old girl. Until she met the one and only GREYSON MICHAEL CHANCE at an album signing.. Since then, Greyson and Liz couldnt stop thinking about eachother. Greyson wanted to feel "connected" to her. They would always text, call or skype eachother. They soon develop STRONG feelings for one another. Will Grey and Liz work out? READ ON TO FIND OUT!!!

Liz's P.O.V

"C'mon BESTIE! We're gonna have SO much fun there!" my bestfriend, Paris pleaded she wanted me to go with her to the Greyson Chance meet and greet this weekend. She's been pleading all day! "FINE!" I finally gave in.. "OMG! UR THE BEST! LUV U!" Paris said in a PERKY tone as she hugged me.


There were THOUSANDS of screaming fans! We squeezed throught the fans to get to the front. Paris just HAD to get a good view of him.

Liz's P.O.V

"ENCHANCERS! brace yourselves for the AMAZING, THE ONE AND ONLY GREYSON CHANCE is arriving in 10 SECONDS!" the emcee announced as ENCHANCERS got even CRAZIER and started to count down- 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2!..... 1!! As they reached 1 I thought, "HERE COMES BOREDOM!" As Greyson emerged on stage the fans became even MORE CRAZY! (if thats even possible) "hey everyone! WOW! im very honoured to be here today! and i just LOVE the energy that you guys have today! so lets do this!" greyson chirped in the microphone. as he said this, the lines for the autograph session formed. Paris and i were one of the last people. Paris wanted to be the last one,make the last impression and spend the MOST time with him.. i dreaded the idea, but i loved my bestfriend too much to argue. so i just went with it.. As we came closer to the stage,Paris said she NEEDED to go to the toilet REALLY BADLY! i wanted to go along.. but if i did, by the time we got back the signing would have ended. so i stayed while she went and quote "REALLY QUICKLY" but she took LONGER than i expected.. by the time it was our turn, she still wasnt back! i was really worried! but if i get out of the queue now she would be really mad at me. so i decided i would get it signed for her. when it was my turn, i went up on stage, handed Greyson the letter that Paris wrote for him. As he looked up to me from his seat everything was dark! i could ONLY see him! and the sounds of angels singing was playing in the backround. everything was in slow motion.

Greyson's P.O.V

I looked up from where i was sitting and i saw a BEAUTIFUL girl with electrifying blue eyes. i looked into them and got lost in them.

Liz's P.O.V

We stared at eachother for A REALLY LONG TIME! it seemed like FOREVER! but i was ENJOYING IT. there was just something special between me and him. i thought he was just a guy. but now he seemed special to me. i kept thinking that i was just FANGIRLING over how cute he was. but i KNEW it was more than that. "whats your name sweetie?" he asked bringing me back to reality. "L-iz " i stammered "but this is for my bestfriend so could you just make it out to Paris" i explained "sure" he said after he signed the album, i handed him the letter that Paris wrote. our hands touched and a shot of electricity ran through my body. it was a feeling i NEVER experienced before.


Author's note:

so that was chapter 1! hope you guys like it!!! this is my FIRST ever book here! so forgive me if it wasnt that good.. i PROMISE i'll do better in the next chappie! xD VOTE.COMMENT.FAN.RATE.SUBSCRIBE



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