Chapter 14

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LIz's P.O.V.

Today's my BIG math test.. so i HAVE to focus! i cant keep on thinking about Greyson. so, i deleted his number and blocked him on skype,twitter,facebook,instagram and tumblr. EVERYTHING. i blocked him in every social website that he and i had an account in. i just wanted to forget about him.. i HAD to.

*after the test*

after the test, i went straigt home. Greyson called me.. ALOT but i didnt answer. he sent  messages but i didnt bother to read them. 

*that night*

"sweetie,cmon. its time for dinner" my mom called out to me. "i'll be right there mom." i replied 

*after dinner* 

LIz's P.O.V 

after dinner, my parents and I sat on the couch to watch the news(idk y i was watching the news) and there was some news about Greyson and I. it was about our break up. The paps(paparazzi) have been following both of us around. they showed a picture of me wearing a hoodie,looking down to the floor. i think it was taken yesterday. when i just got the news and i went back home from school early. i was crying. they also got a picture of Paris showing me something on her phone and then after that, the picture of me crying.. then. they showed pics of Greyson flying back to L.A. looking sad and looking at the ground,and not interacting with his fans that much like he was when we were still dating.. "are LIz and GReyson OFFICIALLY OVER??" that was the last thing i heard from the news reporter. i turned the T.V. off and started to cry a little my mom tried to comfort me by saying "honey. its gonna be alr- but i cut her off by running up to my room and locking the door.. i jumped into my bed and cried my heart out to my pillow. i wanted to be with Greyson but i dont know if i could trust him. he's a rockstar. girls WILL be throwing themselves at him and i dont know if that'll be hard or easy for him to control.. WHY MUST LIFE BE SOO HARD?!

*the next morning*

i woke up at around 9am. i obviously overslept so i skipped school for that day. My mom understood that i was heartbroken so she let me. i layed in my bed ALL day thinking about Greyson and me.. i ignored any texts or phone calls. i didnt care who it was from. and i decided that maybe for the next month, i'll try to act like im happy and totally fine. even though Greyson wasnt in my life anymore. and the paps will OBVIOUSLY still be following me. they're gonna want dirt on me if a had a new bf and stuff.. so i'll be hanging out with some cute guys.. partying and the paps will get some pics, it'll be on mags and Greyson will probably see them and he'll realise what a HUGE mistake he made! 

*a week later on the news*

News person: apparently, Greyson Chance's ex gf has a new BEAU? we found pics of the brown headed cutie partying with some cute guys! how is Greyson reacting to this? it has only been a week since the break up.. wow. she moves on fast! has his first public gf officially replaced him?

Greyson's P.O.V

Liz has a new boyfriend? NO! thats not possible.its just a party and there werent any pics of them making out or something. so theres NOTHING to be worried about.  but i HAVE to do something before anything like that DOES happen! i thought of a plan! but i had to go on another tour that will last a month. so i will carry it out after this tour...

*a month later*


Author's note: sooo... dundundun!!! what will happen 2 LREYSON in the next chapter?!??!!!  keep on readin 2 find out!! xD



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