Chapter 19

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*the next day*

Liz's P.O.V

i woke up to Greyson smiling at me. "good morning sweetie" he said with an adorable smile "good morning!" i re

plied "well.. i'm gonna go take a shower and head home." i said "woah! not so fast." Greyson said as he pulled me back to the bed and kissed me on the lips. i pull away and tell him that i gotta get ready and he said that i could do that later and pulled me back into the bed. we talked alot and he kept on tickling me and after he tickled me, he would kiss me. we spent about an hour. i think just enjoying eachother's company. after that, i took a shower then we ate our "Brunch" after that, we headed to my place.

*At Liz's Place*

"hey mom! we're back!" i announced as Greyson and I walked in the front door. my mom greeted us with a hug and she asked if we wanted anything to eat or drink and we said that we just ate so she left the both of us to do whatever it is that we wanna do. "C'mon Grey!" i said as i went up the stairs to my bedroom. He followed. He closed the door behind him as he walked into my bedroom. i took my laptop from my study table and brought it to my bed. i was on twitter right away. i tweeted "@greysonchance i love you<3" then Greyson's phone beeped. he got the tweet and replied "@lizparker i love you more<33" when i got the tweet, i giggled and replied "@greysonchance cmon over here! ;D" he got the tweet and jumped on my bed. we lay there togeter, side by side. until i got a phone call..  my phone totally ruined the moment! but i answered and it was Paris. 

*phone convo*


L; Hey! listen can i call you back?

P: NO! you havent been in school lately.. is everything ok?

L: aw! you're so sweet Paris. but yup everything's good..

P: good to know. GUESS WHAT?!?!

L: what?!

P:THE  HOMECOMING DANCE is in 2 weeks!! 

L: OMG! really? how'd you know?

P: well.. unlike YOU, i've been going to school..

L: oh.. haha ok.. i'm definitely coming for the dance.. :)

P: YAYYY!! and...

L: and??


L: ohk.

P: ohk??? thats all??

L: im not into those kinda stuff.. if im nominated then GREAT! if i win EVEN BETTER! but if i dont win, i wont really care..

P: oh..ok.. Liz, we GOTTA find you a date for the dance!

L: nah! dont worry.. i've already got one..

P: ohk.. so i'll talk to you later kay?

L: yeah sure.. BYE!

*end of convo*

"what was that about?" Greyson asked with a smirk on his face. "it was just Paris.. the homecoming dance is in 2 weeks. and i got nominated for homecoming queen." i explained. "well.. do you have a date yet?" greyson asked. "actually.. yeah.. i believe that he is in my bedroom right now." i said

"man! that guy is so luc- oh wait! haha thats me!" he replied "yes it is" i said before pulling him into a kiss. i couldnt wait for the dance! but what if Greyson gets mobbed by fans when we're supposed to be having fun?? 


A/N: HEY guys!! i havent been on for a while.. SORRY.. but this is chapter 19 hope you guys like it! next few chapters is the dance! YAYY!! what will happen there?!??! hahhah keep on reading to find out!



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