26. "You're an asshole."

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"You're not getting on my bike." I protested while trailing behind Aaron who took his usual large steps. Everybody was leaving the party, causing a crowd to form on the large house's front lawn.

"Stop being so stubborn and give me the keys." Aaron grunted, stopping in front of my black motorcycle.

"How did you even get here? Where's your car?" I asked while squinting my eyes and propping my hands on my hips.

"I came here with Levi," He said while looking gravely at me with his blue eyes.

"Oh." I let out as I pouted and fished my keys out of my purse.

Aaron got on my bike, the sight foreign but welcome. I took in a deep breath as goosebumps gently appeared over my skin. I hopped on the bike and held onto Aaron, his scent making me slightly woozy. He abruptly started the engine and took off, making me let out a small squeak. A smile crept itself on my face as adrenaline coursed through my veins.

I let go of Aaron's waist and launched my arms into the air as the Californian wind whipped through my hair. Aaron's shoulders moved up and down, hinting that he was laughing. He quickly looked back at me and smirked before speeding up. The lights blended around us, seeming as if we were both in our own world. Everything was timeless as we both laughed at our recklessness. I held back onto him and grinned while he kept speeding through cars until the bike came to a stop.

I hadn't realized where Aaron was taking us, until I recognized the tall building he had parked in front of.

"Why are we at your place?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're spending the night," Aaron shrugged as he walked into the lobby and nodded at the security guard.

"You could've at least taken me back home so I could get my things," I grunted as we walked into the elevator.

"And miss the opportunity of seeing you in one of my shirts?" The blue-eyed boy chuckled before leaning onto me and bringing his lips to my ear.

"Never." He whispered as my breath hitched. I stared into his eyes while breathing shakily. There was absolutely no hesitation in his gaze, all of which made my knees buckle.

The elevator dinged as we arrived at Aaron's floor. He opened the door to his penthouse before walking in and closing it behind me.

I heard him let out a low breath.
"Hey... I have a question," Aaron started as I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, oblivious.

"Are you wearing that dress on purpose?" He asked while taking a step closer to me. I backed into the door and felt the heat rise up to my cheeks.


"I"m about to go fucking crazy," He groaned as he slid one of his warm hands up my bare leg. The cold silver of his rings sent a jolt of electricity through my skin as a familiar fire ignited throughout my body. The things he could do to me.

Aaron was a drug. So utterly destructive, but always left you wanting more.

My mind was screaming in disapproval as I pushed my thoughts away and grabbed Aaron by the collar, bringing his hot lips to mine. He chuckled against my lips and kissed me back, before pulling away slowly, a smirk setting on his lips. I bit my lip at my impulsive decision as I eyed the red of my lipstick smudged on his mouth.

"You're very reckless tonight, mia cara." He laughed as he distanced himself from me.

I frowned at the movement.

"That's enough for one night," He said, regaining his neutral facial expressions.

"What?" I scoffed at him as he raised an eyebrow.

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