chapter 4

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I pulled Arthur inside and sat him down.

"Hey what's wrong, what happened?" For the first time in a long time I was actually concerned about someone.

He sat there staring at the ground. Not saying anything. "Arthur, I'm here, you can speak to me" I tried reassuring him.

Before I could say anything else he started speaking. Not taking a breath.

"My boss fired me because I brought a gun into the childrens hospital I was working at even though it was just to protect myself I would never use it and now I have no job no money my stand up comedy isn't going too well and everyone thinks I'm a freak".

There was a pause until I spoke up.
"I'm really sorry to hear that but listen to me. No one thinks you're a freak. I certainly don't. I'm sure your comedy is amazing and would make anyone laugh. And hey. Your boss must be the stupidest person if he thinks firing you was a smart idea". I gave him a slight smile, hugging him tight.

All of sudden Arthur burst into hysterical laughter. Oh no this was one of his attacks. I stroked his hair and whispered in his ear. "Hey it's ok, I'm here, listen to my voice just breath in and out, listen to my heart beat focus on it" Sure enough he managed to calm down and the laughing stopped.
"Thank you" He sighed. "I'm sorry you had to hear that" He apologized.
"Don't be silly it's not your fault".

He looked up at me and we stared at each other. There was definitely something there.

No stop y/n you can't get hurt again. I quickly pulled away and walked over to the kitchen. As I was pouring Arthur a drink he blurted out " Come to one of my shows".

I looked up at him. "Ok sure, give me a call with more details" I agreed to go as I wanted to make sure he felt wanted and cared for. I did also want to see what he could do.

The day went by like normal. Arthur had left earlier but promised to call me. I didn't really have anything to do other than sit around the phone.

I switched on the TV to watch the news, expecting to see the same headlines. 'Thomas Wayne for mayor' or 'super rats'.

Instead there was breaking news. "Three men killed on the subway".

My eyes widened with shock. Not at the story but at the victims.

Death was normal in Gotham but the three men that were killed tonight were the same three men that harassed me in the diner the other day.

I couldn't believe was I was seeing. Was it true? I guess they got what they deserved. What surprised be even more was the fact the killer was a guy in a clown costume. My mind instantly thought of Arthur.
Before I could divert my eyes from the TV, someone started pounding on my door. I jumped at the sound as it pulled me back into reality.
I opened the door and before I knew it, Arthur forced his lips onto mine. It took me a second to realize but I kissed him back.
I shut the door not pulling away.

He pushed me against the wall, wrapping his arms around my waist. The kiss was passionate and lustful. He picked me up carrying me into the bedroom and one thing led to another.
He pulled my clothes off before taking off his own and started feeling my body.

This was all new to me but I knew if I was to do it, Arthur would be the one.

He began kissing my neck working his way down. It felt amazing.

We went into the night.

I woke up to an arm weighing down on my waist. I looked over to see Arthur sleeping peacefully by my side. It felt good to be wanted, loved even, and I knew Arthur was special.
I stopped listening to the voice telling me to protect myself, I didn't need to. I knew Arthur would protect me as best he could.

Arthur finally woke up as I layed beside him thinking.
"Morning beautiful" He gave me a soft kiss as he pulled me in for a tight hug.
"How'd you sleep" I asked.
"Great knowing I was with you" That sentence gave me butterflies. I smiled at him before sitting up and fixing my hair.

Arthur pulled me back down, hugging me tighter "don't leave me yet" He chuckled.

The morning was spent making breakfast with a few kisses in between and loads of laughter. I loved having someone to open up to and love.

He asked me to meet his mum, Penny. Of course I agreed.

We arrived at his apartment and I was amazed at how different it was from mine. His was a bit bigger with loads of furniture and ornaments. I saw his pill bottles on the counter but I knew not to mention them.

Penny was extremely nice and caring, she knew the right things to say and she made me feel very welcome in their home.
Arthur was in the kitchen when Penny called us both to the TV saying that Thomas Wayne was on.
"They're asking him about those horrible subway murders".

That's when Arthur looked up, he seemed almost taken a back as he came to sit down next to me "why him?" I heard him mutter to himself.

We sat watching the interview in compete silence. ".. Someone who hides behind a mask" The words seemed as though they affected Arthur as he layed back and began shaking his legs with his hands behind his head.
I tried putting my hand on his leg to calm him down but he shook it off.
What the-

"Those of us that have made something of our lives, will always look at those who haven't as nothing but clowns"
It was then that Arthur began laughing to himself. What had gotten into him.

"That's not funny" I heard Penny say to Arthur as she gave him that disapproving look.

At that Arthur walked away to his bedroom. I followed him in trying to speak but he wouldn't answer me.
"Fine when you're ready to talk to me you know my number!" I stormed out of his room and up to Penny.
"Thank you for everything Mrs. Fleck" I gave her a hug as she told me to call her Penny.

I left their apartment and started walking home.
On the street people were dressing in clown masks holding signs like "clown for mayor!" I couldn't believe it. People were actually siding with the killer.

I walked past many posters and protesters. Gotham was covered in them.

Arthur Fleck/ Joker X Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now