chapter 22

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A few days had gone by since I left and came back. I was beginning to settle down again with no desire to leave. Arthur was more protective over me though. Sometimes it was sweet but other times it was just annoying.

"Good morning beautiful" Arthur spoke in my ear as he woke up. I loved hearing that. That would always be the first thing he would say when he woke up. It never changed. "Morning love" I kissed him as I sat up.
"Where are you going stay with me for a little bit" Arthur whined like a puppy as I giggled and layed back down.

He put his arm round my waist and pulled me close to him. I loved his morning voice, it was always so deep and husky but it was cute. "You're staring" He whispered as I shook my head.
"I was gazing" I corrected.
"It's creepy" He chuckled as he rolled his eyes.
"It's cute" I retorted before folding my arms.
Arthur rolled over and opened the draw. "This fell off the night the officers took us away" He pulled out the necklace he had gave me months ago.

"Omg, I thought I lost that for good. I was so upset" I gasped as I stared at it. The necklace looked exactly the same. No dirt or anything on it. "May I do the honors" Arthur sat up, opening the clasp of the chain. "Of course" I replied sitting up and turning my back to him.

I felt his warm hands wrap the chain around my neck as he closed it tight. His fingers gentle stroked my back giving me shivers as he let go. I turned back to him and kissed him softly.

"I want to have some fun today" Arthur broke the kiss as he stood up. He jumped off the bed, almost falling and shouted "you're having pancakes" I giggled as I watched him bounce out the room and downstairs. I liked this side of him; it was fun and showed his happiness even if he did act like a kid.

I stretched as I changed into some clothes and walked downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen my eyes widened as I saw a gorgeous stack of pancakes waiting for me on the table along with a proud looking Arthur next to it.
I sat down and began eating.

The day had been fun so far and it was getting darker outside. Arthur had done many things with me like play fighting and shooting a target on the wall.
"Alright aim for the centre and don't miss" Arthur handed me a gun as I pointed it at the target. "Make sure you focus" Arthur whispered in my ear.

"I would if you'd shut up and let me shoot" I laughed. Just as I pulled the trigger Arthur shouted "bang" In my ear causing me to aim at a glass. It smashed and flew everywhere. "Seriously?!" I hit him on the arm as he began laughing.

"Down it, down it, down it" All the men were chanting at me as I drunk a glass of alcohol. Me and Arthur had called over some of the men as we all began drinking. One glass led to two, and two led to four until we lost count of how many we had. The night was spent laughing and drinking as it summed up a perfect day. I became closer with the men as they opened up more.

Me and Arthur walked up to our bedroom away from the others but as I walked in, I felt a cold muzzle of a gun press against my head.
"I want to teach you how to control your fear" Joker's slurred voice came from behind me.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!? YOU'RE DRUNK OFF YOUR HEAD YOUR FINGER COULD SLIP" I screamed as I froze on the spot. "See you can't be screaming like that when you're in fear" Joker pushed the gun against my head slightly harder.

"You don't know what you're doing" I regained control of my voice.
"That's better" I stood still as I felt the gun leave my head as Joker dropped his arm.

I turned around to see Joker smiling like a proud father. I shook my head as I turned back around. Next thing I knew, the gun was back up to my head as Joker spoke. "Again, control your fear".
I grabbed his arm and turned round the side of his body, snatching the gun from his hand. I put him in a choke hold as I planted the gun up against his head.
"Is this good enough?" I teased him as he began laughing. "Well done" I let go of Joker and went to take the bullets out of the gun. There wasn't any in there. The gun was empty. I felt a wave of relief come over me as I realized Joker didn't put my life in danger.

We both sat down together on the bed as he began speaking. "We never talked about Alice" I sighed "what's there to talk about?" I asked.

"I know you left the tape for me to find and I now know the truth" I continued.
"I guess but are you ok?" Arthur sounded concerned but caring.
"Yeah I'm ok, she's gone there's nothing more to say or do" Arthur gave me a hug before getting into bed.

"Wanna end the night right" He smirked as I joined him under the covers.

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