chapter 18

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"What are you doing here?" I asked Alice.
"I was looking for you" She sighed.
"But how did you find me?" I was concerned that Joker would find out and do something horrible.
"I knew you were in Gotham and were put in. Arkham. I watched you escape but I didn't know where you went so I started knocking on doors trying to find you. And now I have. But why are you with him" Alice nod her head towards the door as she said this.

I looked at her up and down without saying a word. "Why were looking for me?" I avoided her question. "After all this time, why now?"

"I missed you. I regretted not keeping in contact with you and still do. I wanted to make sure you were alright. I heard about your dad" She looked into my eyes when saying this. I could tell she felt sympathy for me.
"You shouldn't have come here. It's not safe" I was blunt as I turned my head from her. I missed her so much but I couldn't risk her getting caught up in all this.

"Why because you and Joker escaped Arkham and are on the run? Are you two in love?" Her voice turned giddy as she began smiling and teasing me.
I gave her a death stare as I turned around. Alice's face turned frustrated. "Why am I tied up?" She began struggling to get out.

"You cannot tell a soul that we are here. Did anyone see you come here?" I grabbed her wrist and looked into her eyes. "No".

"What are you keeping from me anyway? Why were you put in Arkham?" Alice began talking again as I walked towards the door. "Wait!" I ignored her and left.

"Listen, we can trust her. No one saw her come here and she is my mate after all. I'll keep her in the guest room and have eyes on her at all times just please let her stay" I begged Arthur to untie her. He nodded.

I ran back to the room Alice was in as she watched me approach her. "Change your mind huh" Alice smirked at me "you always were stubborn".
I cut the ropes from her, letting her free. Before she stood up I held her hand. " You can't leave. You have to stay with me in the bedroom. I told you, you shouldn't have come here" I let go as she jumped up and wrapped her arms around me.

We stood there hugging for what felt like ages. I truly missed her and seeing her now was the best thing ever.

I led her to the guest room as she took in her surroundings. "So this is where you live now" She raised an eyebrow as she looked around. We sat down on the bed as we began talking about our lives since separating. I talked about life with my parents. My fathers death. How I then moved to Gotham and finally met Arthur. I didn't tell her that Arthur was Joker or anything that happened since he was on the show. I didn't want to scare her off.

"Am I interrupting?" One of Joker's men had walked in and looked at us both. "No, no what do you need" I asked him, standing up. "I was told to welcome our new guest" His voice was gentle as he spoke. "Go ahead, I was just going to get a drink, do either of you want one?" I left the room as they declined and went to get a drink.

I had finished pouring a drink and was on the way out when I turned to see Alice standing in the hallway with daggers for eyes. "Alice what's wrong?" I began walking up to her but she backed away holding up her hand.

"Don't come near me!" She yelled as she continued backing up. "Why didn't you tell me! I know what you done!" What the hell was she talking about.

"You killed your mother! WHY!?" My eyes widened as shock filled my body. "W-who told you?" I sheepishly asked her trying to understand everything. "That man told me everything! You're both murderers. You and Joker!" She rushed to the guest room as I ran after her. "Don't come near me!" I heard her scream from behind the door.

I slammed it open and tried to speak. "Listen I-" She cut me off "I don't want to hear it. You're not the same person I knew in high school" She shoved the pillow over her head as she layed down.

"It wasn't her fault. I told her to do it". I swung my head round to see Arthur walk in. Alice lifted the pillow from her head and stared at the pair of us. " I told her to do it because I knew her mother was going to kill us both" Why was Arthur lying I wondered.

We sat down and tried to explain everything. Arthur lied about why I killed my mother and why I was sent to Arkham. Alice finally tried to understand but was still cautious around us both.

A few days had passed and Alice was starting to settle down. She understood why she had to stay and was becoming more comfortable around us all. Each day me and Alice would talk and do things together. We slowly regained our friendship. She wasn't nervous anymore.

One morning I woke up to the sound of Arthur's heart beat and birds chirping outside the window. I woke up to find Arthur staring at me. "Hey beautiful" My heart skipped as his morning voice whispered in my ear. I smiled before saying hey. I got out of bed and walked into Alice's room. She was awake and staring at the ceiling.

"Morning Eddie" I chuckled. That was my nickname for her. Back in high school we done a play in drama and we had to play husband and wife. Alice was my husband Edward and I was her wife Jean. "Morning Jeanie" Alice giggled as she sat up.

"I'm making breakfast what do you want?" I asked as I hugged her. "Pancakes please" Huh, same as Arthur.
I left the room and went downstairs to make breakfast. "Hey boys" I greeted the men that were playing cards by the sofa. They waved as I carried on making breakfast.

Once I had finished, I grabbed the plates and went upstairs. I opened Alice's door but she wasn't there. I hurriedly walked towards mine and Arthur's bedroom but as I opened the door my heart sunk.
Alice was on top of Joker. Kissing him.

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