chapter 14

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I didn't know how long I was out for but when I woke up I found myself lying on a cold slab surrounded by pure white, disturbingly clean walls. Where the hell was I?

There was a door with a tiny window but it was locked. I was definitely in some sort of prison. So many questions ran through my head. Where am I? Where's Arthur? Is he alright? Why am I here? How long am I here for? I began feeling dizzy so I layed back down and closed my eyes.

"I hate this job. I don't see how anyone can voluntarily apply for a job at Arkham" I heard two guards walking past my door.
Arkham so that's where I was.

About an hour later a warden approached my room and spoke through the door. "I'm taking you to the nurse. She needs to check you over. Stand against the wall with your hands behind your back" His voice was firm and husky. I walked up to the wall and placed my hands behind my back as I heard him unlock the door and cautiously walk towards me.

It was abnormal being treated like this. I didn't even know why I was in here. I'm not insane!

He handcuffed me and almost dragged me out of the room and down the corridor. I saw doors upon doors full of patients. Some sitting down quietly or sleeping but most screaming and banging on their doors demanding to be let free.

We had been walking for a while until we finally reached the hospital section. The warden handed me over to a nurse who surprisingly looked very gentle and sweet. "Hello dear, take a seat. This won't take long" She spoke as I sat on a bed in front of her.
She took my blood pressure, done some checks, normal doctor things.

"Well dear, we're all done. You seem healthy, no problems. But you will probably still feel a bit dizzy every now and again, but it will pass. Just give it a few more days". I was relieved to hear nothing serious was wrong with me.

"Can I ask you something?" I began speaking without thinking. "Yeah sure dear" The nurse replied.
"Why am I in here?"

"Well I'm afraid I don't know. Nurses don't get told information like that, we just get told how dangerous some patients are and their names". My heart sunk as I listened to her. Before I could say anything else the same warden who brought me here handcuffed me again and walked me back to my room.

"Dinner is in 10 minutes" He pushed me against the wall and un handcuffed me. "Stay facing the wall until you hear the door lock" He ordered me as he backed up. I turned around when I heard the click.

*10 minutes later*

A different warden had opened my door and took me out of my room, this time taking me to the cafeteria. This warden looked new and almost anxious. I took this opportunity to talk to him. I hadn't really spoken to anyone except the nurse since being here.

"So what's your name?" I asked. No response. "Ah the silent treatment I see" My voice was sarcastic as I stared at him. He was frowning but he looked weak. "Ok look, I don't want any trouble. I just want to know why I'm in here". I turned serious at this point as I heard him sigh before speaking.
"You're in here for the murder of your mother and for your relationship with the Joker" My heart skipped as I heard his name.

"Is he alright? Where is he?" The warden had stopped responding as we reached the cafeteria. He let me go as I stood gazing at all the inmates before me. They were all staring at me. Some were hiding from me whilst others began cheering. This must be because I'm with Arthur I thought.

All of a sudden an inmate marched up to me. He was a lot bigger than me and looked ready to fight. He stared me up and down before stroking my arm. He clearly didn't know who I was. Just then he wrapped his hand around my neck. His fingers were large and strong.

"Let her go" I heard a deep voice growl from the back of the room.
Arthur stood up. The minute the inmate saw him, he let go of me and ran off. Everyone seemed extremely on edge and watched every movement with piercing stares.
"What are you all looking at. Get back to what you were doing" Arthur addressed the others as they scurried to change direction or look somewhere else. Arthur really had power here.
He began walking up to me.

He picked me up in a tight hug as he reached me. I planted my lips on his before speaking. "Arthur!" He put a finger to my lips, hushing me.
"It's not Arthur. It's Joker. These people can't know my real name. Besides I like the name Joker" He chuckled to himself. I felt a little stung as he told me I couldn't call him Arthur anymore.

"You've changed." I looked away from him as he lifted my head back towards him. "No. I'm still your Arthur. I always will be. It's just, what I've done, people see me as Joker now and that's who I have to give them. You're the only one that knows Arthur's side. And you're the only one I will be that side with" He was speaking in a hushed tone so only I could hear. I had butterflies in my stomach as he placed a hand on my waist.

"Why are people treating me different?" I asked him as I looked into his eyes.
"Because you were with me that night. It's my fault. I pulled you up onto the car with me. I got you knocked out. I'm the reason you're in here" His smile faded as he began apologizing.

"No Arth- Joker, it's not your fault. I chose to take your hand. I chose to kiss you in front of everyone. I chose to fight off the officers and I chose to kill my mother" Arthur stared at me. "I killed my mother, that's why I'm in here" I concluded. Arthur didn't say a word. "I don't even know how they knew it was me-" He interrupted me "you left the hammer beside her. It had your fingerprints" He knew what I had done. How could I be so foolish to leave it there. I was distracted by the crash.

Before I could speak again, a warden came between us. "Go and get food" He ordered me towards the line that had inmates queuing for food.

I looked back at Arthur as he winked at me before leaving.
He signalled towards my pocket.

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