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"Hurry up, pleasee! I'm begging you~"

Gun was practically screaming Off's name, making the end of every sentence he says longer.. He made everything he said sound so whiny and as if his voice was stuck on his throat making every words- - - - sound like a whimper..

"Shit, Gun!", Off whisper-shouted towards the boy..

"Ugh! Just finish alreadyy~!", Gun whined once more.. closing his eyes in annoyance and impatience..

"I'm coming just-- j-just quiet down or else Jane would hear y-you..!", Off wasn't ready to say any excuse to the girl once she hears Gun shouting Off's name! It would be embarrassing, humiliating- ugh! No! He didn't want any of that!

"Off!", Gun literally screamed..


"Here I am! Damn it..", Off opened the bathroom door with a towel wrapped against his waist and another smaller towel which he used to dry his hair as he looked at Gun in annoyance..

"Why do you have to scream so loud? Can't you actually wait a few more minutes for me to finish showering?", he continued.. He had to rush everything to the point where he just ended up leaving the bathroom without the shorts Gun lended him.. He's shocked he could manage to put on a t-shirt that fast! New skill discovered that is..

Well, he has no problem with the shorts since he could just put it on when Gun enters the bathroom..

But no! Hell that's not the point!

"I'm freezing here! I just came back wet from the rain earlier and I'm already dried up because someone decided to take too long in the shower!"

Gun shouted back at Off-- but not loud enough for anybody else outside the room to hear..

He was pouting and knitting his brows together as he glared at Off..

Off was looking down at Gun..

Off found this reaaallyy cute especially because of their height differences.. I mean, Gun could be so cute at times and so fierce! It's soo.. Soo attractive for Off.. Gosh..

Off chuckled as he looked at angry Gun..

"What are you laughing at huh? What? Wanna fight?!", Gun was pissed seeing Off laugh at him like that so he playfully punched Off's arms..

'playfully'.. Because he could never hurt Off! He could punch really hard y'know-- which may or may not be the reason he was expelled on his former school.. err--

But it's Off! Of course he won't fight back! But Off has to feel his wrath though.. So he just punched Off's arms again and again as well as pinching his sides..

But for Off, he just really really wanted to laugh his ass off towards Gun who seemed-- clearly much shorter than him, but exerting effort to take him down..

Off felt happiness and tinglies all over his body whenever he would feel Gun.. Just feel him, whether it was physical touch, or he felt Gun by his words..

He started to love every side Gun has, or every side Gun has that he is yet to see..

But he did keep it in mind though, that Gun was Jane's.. Love is shitty right? Fucking heck

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥! Last chapt on hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now