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Tay jolted to reality when Off slammed a book on the table, can't resist but look at the piece of combined papers with full cheeks, the sudden action from his friend making him stop chewing the burger he held with both of his hands. He decided to swallow the food in his mouth first before talking.

"So what the fuck is that?"

Off surprisingly lashed out. "A fucking book! A fucking familiar-- creepy-- peculiar book!" he seemed to desperately find the right words to describe the artifact in front of him. In all honesty, Off is very freaked out by that book. Not that it does paranormal shits, but how is it connected to his dream and Gun?! Can dreams even cross its boundary with reality?! Truth be told-- it can't!

Tay raised his brows and blinked a few times at an unsettled Off. "Very well..? What do you want me to do with it?"

"I've-- I've seen it in my dream.." Off admitted, doubting that his dumb bestfriend will believe a hundred percent as he reluctantly leaned forward on the table, leaning onto his hands and putting some of his weight there.

"Okay right," Tay rolled his eyes as Off groaned silently at the expected reaction from the latter. "You look pale, Off. You were just discharged from the fucking hospital three fucking days ago. I swear to God if you don't take care of yourself I'll shove my hand up in your ass and-"

"Gross!" Off quickly exclaimed, earning the few glares from the other students on the cafeteria. But none of that seemed to matter as the two boys were talking- or shouting rather- as if they were the only people on the goddamn planet!

"Bitch here! Eat this first and then let's talk calmly." Tay suggested as he forcefully handed Off the other burger resting peacefully on the table. It was his, but no matter how much he loved food, that wouldn't amount to the same love he has for Off.

Off on the other hand seemed to accept the suggestion, so he sat in front of Tay. But the lines on his forehead remained, knitting his brows together as he watched Tay scan the book again.

"Hmm.. 'Courage to A Love'? Interesting title.." he commented as he quietly chewed on his food. He looked back at Off after scanning the cover of the book. "What's the deal?"

"It's about two people who couldn't seem to be together because one of them still didn't have the courage to love the other, whilst the other-- I don't know I haven't finished it yet." Off replied, resting his elbows at the table as he kept bouncing his legs underneath the table, feeling a bit anxious. "But I skipped on the ending."

"And the ending is..?"

"Nothing. It's blank."

"Oh.. Well that is weird.." Tay commented as he finished his burger. "Maybe the writer died but he still wanted the book to be published or some shit?"

"I don't know, man."

"But anyway, what's the deal about it anyway?" Tay asked, eager to know why this man in front of him is making a big deal out of an unfinished book.

"I saw it once already, in a dream."

Off closed his eyes as the dream vividly played in his mind, as if even though it was a long time ago, it was telling him that he will never forget it, as if atleast a part of his mind is already owned by that dream.

Gun was there, but his whole outfit and hair was different of course, Gun had bangs there, but in reality he had a swept to the side undercut. Which Off may repeat for the nth time-- hot.

The shorty was wearing a white polo with a blue necktie in his dream, matching with his blue shorts and black shoes. He looked like a kid. He even had a whole variety of different facial expressions and a very jolly personality. Off's heart melted remembering that type of Gun.

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