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The door slamming shut echoed through the whole room, the two boys turned to look at each other once more after Jane slammed the door for reasons they do not know..

"What.. The heck?", Off's statement after the weird shit that just happened could be barely heard..

"What in the fucking world was wrong with her?", Gun mumbled, looking at the door with his lips twitching in confusion and his brows furrowed..

•• Silence. Drop dead silence filled the whole atmosphere in the room it could possibly fill..

The two boys kept on that same position and didn't dare to say any words..

None of them knows what's going on the other's minds of course..

Finally, they turned to each other..

Their lips curved, their eyes turned small and their noses scrunched as they laughed..

Laughter was heard all over the room..

Let's just think you're an invisible ghost inside the room looking at them weirdly and confused because they were now laughing after the sudden scene earlier..

"W-Why are you even laug- hahaha--", Off dared to asked but he was cut off by his own laughs as his gaze landed once more at laughing Gun.. The way Gun laughs triggers something inside him that just makes him want to laugh more, but most importantly, laugh with him..

"I d-don't know, your face looks so f-fun-- hahahaha--", Gun said but didn't have the will to finish as he placed his hands on his stomach.. God, he can't stop laughing.. To him, Off's face after what Jane did must be the funniest thing he saw this whole week.. It looked so confused and puzzled, he couldn't help but laugh..

Off's face turned red as he smiled a bit and rubbed his nape.. Gun looks so happy right now and it just made Off forget about what Gun looked like the first time they met-- his aura, his vibes. everything was now the exact opposite he thought Gun would be.. He looks so fucking jolly..

Off remembered what he said to himself back then..

"Dream Gun didn't look like he could manage to hurt me with words, plus, Dream Gun looked more jolly rather than that straight faced dork!"

He couldn't help but look like a tomato now, even his ears are red.. He is a man of his words, he really is.. So why does the words he just said managed to contradict his acts and feelings towards this shorty in front of him..?

God, he feels like he's changing..

But looking at Gun right now, Off tends to forget everything and just imagine the world with only him and Gun..

They laughed their asses off until they were satisfied.. At the end, they both ended up lying on their backs and drifted to sleep..

Off totally forgot to ask Gun about the getaway-guilt-date-shit between them..

Oh well, that is future Off's dillema, tonight, he just wants to fucking sleep..

• • •

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, a fair skinned, beautiful, long haired brunette was leaning against the wooden door in shock to what she just saw earlier..

"Were they kissing?! Is P'Gun gay?"

she mumbled..

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