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Off must have lost his shit.

"What are you talking a-about?", Gun was able to say in between nervous chuckles. Off was definitely leaning closer to him. What in the fuck?

"How can I unlove you, Gun? No matter how much I try-- I can't..", Off said in a monotone voice as he stared deep into Gun's orbs. But nonetheless of the tone, it sounded so fucking sincere! Or perhaps it was just Gun's mind tripping?

Gun is a hundred percent certain that the taller's lips and his would meet if one of them moved a little bit closer. Just a very little bit. Not that Gun would want that to happen though, certainly not. But he can't lean any more backward since his back is already pressed firm to the backrest of the chair.

But then, Off winced and held his forehead in pain, groaning.

Gun acted immediately. "H-Hey what's wrong?"

"Nothing. J-Just-- my head stung for a little bit..", Off reassured, looking back up with what seemed to be a forced smile.


Off chuckled nervously as he looked at the other. As if he wants a favor or request. "hehe Gun? Can you get that apple for me? Please?"

Gun turned his head to where Off pointed, it was the small fruit basket Jane brought earlier. God what was taking her so long damn it!

"Sure.", he replied, fetching it and washing it on the little sink in the room. "Shall I peel it?"

"Yes please!", Off beamed.

Gun did as what Off requested and watched him eat. "Get better already, I am not interested to be your caretaker.."

"Aw!", Off swallowed the food in his mouth, his eyes widening a bit from the sudden sharing of feeling of the shorter. "But how can a couple not take care of each other? It doesn't make sense!"

Gun was taken for surprise from the sudden outburst. He could feel his cheeks burning and he doesn't think he could look at Off's eyes for now.

All of a sudden he had his eyes fixated on the peach wall of the room. "I-It really won't make sense! Cause were not a couple!"

He then had the courage to look at Off despite his tomato cheeks. "I-I told you already, O-Off. I don't like you anymore."

It was Gun convincing Off he doesn't feel the same way anymore, but at some point, it was also him convincing himself. But for all he knows, he's far from also un-liking Off. Like how could he just do that when Off is a precious fluffball?!

Off's expression's changed. He didn't seem sad, nor happy, but as his eyes looked at Gun the tension between them will not alleviate. He looked serious. Deadass serious.

Yeah, Off has never been this serious to someone's words in his entire life.

He placed down the apple and stared back at Gun after heaving a sigh.

"Look Gun, I don't know why you don't like me all of a sudden or what, but unless you give me a good and sensible reason, I won't stop bugging you. So tell me, what's the reason?"

Off leaned close to Gun again and it was as if Gun couldn't move anymore since he just looked at the serious expression Off had right now and didn't react to him shifting closer.

"I-.. I don't like you anymore b-because.. because.."

The tension Off's stares was sending Gun was making his mind go blank. Fuck what would he fucking tell him?! That his sister likes him too so he must be the one to back off?! Damn it why can't he just tell Jane the truth?! Isn't that gonna be way easier?!

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥! Last chapt on hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now