Chapter 7

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I snorted a laugh as Agent Sitwell rushed past me with papers almost flying out of his grasp. My head turned to watch as he rounded the corner and I laughed again.

"Where do you think he was-" I began, turning my head to look next to me.

I stopped when no one was standing there. I continued walking down the hall to the conference room. It was hard getting used to Clint and Natasha not being there. I hummed to myself in hope that no one heard me talk to myself.

I reached the conference room and entered the doors. The agents sitting at the table looked up at me and I realized they were all top level agents and I was probably the lowest one there at level 5. I quickly sat next to the nearest familiar face, Agent Coulson, and folded my hands in front of me.

"Thank you for joining us at a moment's notice, Flint," Fury said.

"You're welcome, sir," I answered. "What is the situation?"

"I'll tell you once Sitwell gets back," Fury answered. "He forgot the rest of the debriefing packet in his office."

"Oh, so that's why he was..." I mumbled.

A snicker came from down the table and I looked over at Rumlow who was holding back a grin. Sitting next to him was an agent that I had seen before, but had not yet been acquainted with. The other agent was also snickering and lowered his head to scratch his short, brown hair. He looked back up and our eyes met for second before I glanced away.

"You were able to make it here pretty fast," Coulson said to me.

"Yeah, I was at the rink," I replied.

"Getting some skating in?" He asked.

"You know it," I smiled.

The doors flew open and Sitwell rushed in. Coulson smiled at him as he sat down and set his file on the table. He pulled out his tablet and began tapping on the screen, getting everything set up.

"Are you ready, Sitwell?" Fury asked.

"Yes, sir, sorry," Sitwell muttered.

Another snicker came from Rumlow and his friend. The debriefing appeared on the big screen at the far wall and Fury cleared his throat.

"Two days ago, one of our scientists, Dr. Carson, was sent to Slingshot to help finish up some research."

A picture of Dr. Carson appeared, then a map appeared.

"Carson never checked in at Slingshot and never touched base with us that he had arrived," Fury explained. "This morning we received coordinates sent from Carson's pager."

The map pinpointed a location. The satellite picture showed was looked to be an abandoned warehouse. Which it was.

"We have reason to believe that Dr. Carson was captured," Fury continued. "Right now we have a quinjet set up with the location coordinates. This is a rescue mission."

"Are you asking for volunteers, sir?" Coulson asked.

"I have chosen Flint to go on this mission, rescues are her specialty," Fury answered.

I smiled to myself and looked at Fury.

"But, Flint is not authorized to go on solo missions yet. Her S.O is currently on paternity leave, and Romanoff is occupied with an erratic Tony Stark."

My smile faded.

"So, I will need one volunteer to accompany-"

"I'll go."

SHIELD Agent Eleanor FlintWhere stories live. Discover now