Chapter 20

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Why was I surprised that Fury sent me on a rescue mission the second day I was back from my "vacation?" I shouldn't be surprised. Fury doesn't give vacations to just anyone and expect a warm welcome. Plus, I'm one of his best rescue agents. 

As soon as I came back, I was sent to the debriefing room and partnered with Henry to check out a missing people situation in Afghanistan. I suppose that was what surprised me. Usually we don't deal with things over-seas, that's the US Military's job. It was a short debriefing, too. Fury said that the rest of the debriefing could be read on the jet and that we would be meeting with a military task force on a base. 

I was a little nervous and Henry assured me that I would feel right at home on base. It's my people. War veteran with the soldiers. But that's not what I was worried about. I was worried about the heat. 

On the Quinjet, I sat in the co-pilot seat with a tablet in my lap while Henry piloted. I would pick up the wheel if he needed me to, but auto-pilot was working just fine. Henry popped his gum against his teeth and I smiled lightly. As I looked over the debriefing, I came to realize that the mission may be easier than Fury said it would be. But, I can't keep my hopes up. 

"General Ross will be there," I said. 

"Think he'll be pissed from the mess we left at Richardson's?" Henry asked. 

"He probably thought he lost some good business," I replied. "He really just lost a fat-head customer." 

"Fat-head meaning...?" Henry glanced at me. 

"A stupid or foolish person," I explained. 

"Ah." Henry nodded. "I don't know, that weapon he had designed was pretty interesting." 

"Did you check out the details?" I asked. 

"Uh huh. He was trying to combine ten different missile designs. Tech said it would have just blown up in his face." 

I guffawed and continued to read the debriefing. Missing soldiers in a blown up base, my specialty. I set down the tablet and placed my hands on the wheel. I looked down at the desert-like lands below us and hoped that the large canister of ice water next to me would suffice. Why does my SHIELD gear have to be black? 

"We're going to be landing soon," Henry said. "Drink up your water." 

"What if I have to pee?" I joked. 

"Hold it," Henry laughed and flipped a few switches above his head. 


Thank God there was a small bathroom on the Quinjet. I quickly used it before Henry and I grabbed our gear and opened the back hatch. An instant wave of heat blasted into the air conditioned jet and I exhaled a cloud of vapor. I squinted against the light and Henry put on sunglasses. I did as well and watched as General Ross approached the ramp with two corporals escorting him. 

Henry and I descended the ramp and the Quinjet's reflector panels engaged. Ross approached us and I found myself standing at attention. Henry noticed this and mimicked my stance. Ross stopped in front of us and I saluted, Henry refrained from doing so. Ross nodded to me and I dropped my arm. 

"At ease, soldier," he said. 

I relaxed and glanced about the base. Everyone was wearing camouflage uniforms, some of them had dropped their jackets to cool off in their khaki t-shirts. It wasn't long before I could feel the sun beating down on me, I better get under some shade quick. It was somewhat familiar, except it wasn't a London base or European forests. 

SHIELD Agent Eleanor FlintWhere stories live. Discover now