Chapter 19

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Fury gave me a two week vacation following the mission involving the death of Agent Kite. I needed time to recover from new trauma, and to get myself out of high-stress environments. Either it was from the kindness of his heart, or it was because when I'm stressed I have a hard time controlling my abilities. Either way, it allowed me to spend a lot of time at my apartment and do practically nothing except read up on former Agent Jonathan Bell. It technically was work, but what else could I do?

Henry wasn't punished severely for sending Agent Kite out on his own, which ultimately led to the young agent's death. In fact, he was barely punished at all. Henry left early morning before I even woke up, and it was a little strange to be in his apartment alone. When I went back into HQ the day after the mission, Henry was leaving Fury's office and I asked him what had happened. His answer was short and to the point as usual.

"He gave me a lecture, nothing bad."

Then I went in to give my mission report and explain what happened with Agent Kite. That was the hard part. No one likes to relive the moment someone died before your very eyes. Well, in my case, die right against your chest as you fall into a cargo hold. There were some tears as I gave my report, but Fury was patient and kept a straight face. That's when he offered my two week vacation.

"Flint, you've worked hard at SHIELD for eight years. It wouldn't hurt for you to take a break."

I tried to refuse, but Fury kept me from doing so. After my meeting with him, I got my belongings, and I went home.

I picked up a trait over the years of working hard in the field. I have to do something to keep me busy before I go insane. So, I picked up some hours at the General Store that I was co-manager at. It was a little strange coming back and putting on my name tag that still read "Sarah Ogsworth". And some of my co-workers acted strange, knowing that my real name wasn't Sarah and that I was the famous superhero "Frostbite". The only people who didn't find it weird was my boss, Johnny, and his niece, Heather.

"I think it's cool- no pun intended," Heather said.

I laughed and stamped a price label onto the can of peas in my hand. Heather popped her bubblegum and grinned at me.

"Listen, any reason to get the cute boys running down the street I'm down for it," she added.

Heather's voice was the same as her uncle's, loud and with a thick New York accent. Made my transatlantic sounding voice seen lame and uninteresting. Hearing Heather talk for hours was more entertaining than Johnny yelling at a kid trying to steal something.

"Cute boys, hm?" I repeated.

"C'mon, you gotta agree." Heather nudged me. "This street may be slumpy, but the boys sure ain't."

"Sure, H," I said.

"Oh, I forgot! You've got a tall, handsome one of your own," she drawled. "I'm kidding, though. You being Frostbite doesn't change anything between us. But it does explain your paper white hair, purple hands, and why you don't go near the ovens."

"Man, the bleach and Raynaud's didn't cut it?" I joked.

"You're hair isn't damaged enough." Heather glanced at my hair. "So, why ain't you back at your super spy base?"

"I got two weeks vacation," I answered.

I grabbed another can and stamped on a lable. Heather smiled at a customer who walked in and the cash register dinged. These small things were enough to calm any incoming panic attack. One of the main reasons I came back here.

"Two weeks," Heather repeated then whistled. "What'd your boyfriend think of that? He feel left out?"

Heather met Henry once when he stopped by to say hello one day. It took me by surprise, since I didn't tell him that I worked here. I guessed he had done some digging to find that out, but I still found it sweet as we had only been dating for three weeks. Heather practically lost her mind when a tall, handsome, broad, man walked into the store and hugged me from behind. She had never seen me interact with a man so intimately before and almost screamed with excitement. Ever since I started working at Uncle Johnny's she'd been trying to hook me up. She was the typical, young adult, female friend and I loved her for it.

SHIELD Agent Eleanor FlintWhere stories live. Discover now