Chapter 9

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The unintentional flinch from my shoulders was what caused me to miss the target on the shooting range. It was not because I have bad aim. My aim is fine, I am just bad at firing a heavy gun.

"That was worse than your last," Henry commented.

I glanced at his target. Each bullet had hit the bullseye. I huffed and readjusted my hold on the sniper rifle. I propped it up, took aim and pulled on the trigger. I flinched again and missed the target.

"Nell," Henry began.

"I know," I muttered. "This is why I use a hand gun and my ice."

Henry left his stand and approached me. I stood back from the rifle and looked at him. My irritated expression caused him to laugh and he took my hands to re-place them on the rifle.

"Your handling is correct, your aim is fine," he said. "Try again."

I aimed and fired. Another miss and flinch from me. I stood up right and Henry placed his hands on my shoulders.

"You're too tense."

"I'm always tense," I said.

"I know you are," Henry chuckled. "Relax your shoulders, breath out when you fire."

I did as he told and my eyes flicked to the bullet lodged into the target. It wasn't the bullseye, but it was close enough. I smiled and stood upright again.

"Nice, Nell." Henry squeezed my shoulders. "Now do it again."

He left me to figure out how to fire the heavy weapon on my own. I repositioned myself and repeated the process that Henry had walked me through. The target was hit again. I looked at Henry and he clapped before he gave me a tight hug.

"Good progress," he said before kissing the top of my head.

"Thanks, Henry." I grinned and felt my cheeks turn pink.

The doors to the shooting range opened and Henry pulled away from the embrace. Clint entered the room, nodded to me in greeting and I smiled in return. As he approached Henry they acknowledged each other with a nod.

"Reed," Clint said.

"Barton," Henry returned.

Clint then turned to me. "Fury is calling a meeting."

"For?" I asked.

"The monitors did another doozy," he replied.

I scoffed and tried to count how many times it had happened already. I think this was the fourth time.

Henry hummed softly and glanced at the targets across the room. "Are all agents called?"

"Yeah," Clint answered.

"Alright," Henry said as he turned back to us. "I'll meet you guys there. See you, Nell."

"Bye," I returned.

We exchanged smiles and Henry left the room. I looked at Clint, whose head was turning back and forth between the door and me. Finally, his focus was back on me and he gave a curious look.

"You two seem well acquainted," he said.

"Yeah, we've actually been on a couple of dates," I replied.

Clint's eyebrows raised and he looked at the door again.

"You and Reed?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. A grin spread across my mouth at Clint's reaction.

SHIELD Agent Eleanor FlintWhere stories live. Discover now