Chapter 28

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Natasha entered our destination coordinates into the navigation systems. Hopefully, Bell wasn't planning a surprise hack. I found myself perplexing at the location, as it was in Alaska. I looked up from the tablet in my hand and furrowed my brow. 


"Yep," Clint answered from the cockpit. He glanced back at my confused expression and breathed out a laugh. "Don't be so excited, it's only a little bit of snow." 

Henry smirked as he spun a stave in his hand. I placed the tablet on the seat next to me and walked over to my rack of gear. Natasha sat down in the co-pilots seat and began to set up for take-off. Henry glanced down at me as I made count of all my gear. 

"Can I have first hit at Bell?" He asked. 

I hummed a laugh as I checked my Glock. "Lethal force only when necessary," I intoned. "But if you want to grab him and make him wet himself, by all means go ahead." Henry exhaled through his nose with a laugh and placed his staves in their case. He turned to me and slipped his hands around my waist as I checked my other Glock. "So, were you going to tell me that Darth Vader was Luke's father, or was I supposed to figure that out myself?" 

"That's the point of watching a movie, Nell," Henry said, rather blatantly. 

I looked up at him with a blank stare. "I was joking. But it shocked me." 

"Wasn't really surprising to me," Henry replied. 

I gave him a befuddled look and shook my head. "How were you not surprised?" He shrugged. "Don't tell me you looked at all the details of this movie and pieced it together." 

"I watched the prequels first," he said. "Episode I came out in 1999. I was with some friends from the Police Academy, it was my first year at SHIELD." 

The Quinjet moved and I held onto my rack as it began lift off. I blinked and shook my head again. "Why... why did you watch the prequels first? Tony said that you never watch the prequels-" 

"Who cares what Tony said?" Henry interrupted. That received a guffaw from Natasha. "I didn't know what I was getting into. But I watched those three first when they each came out. Then I watched the original series." 

I scoffed and turned back to my gear. "I can't believe you." I gave a humorous harumph and Henry shook his head. "I have yet to watch the prequels, what are the prequels?" 

The Quinjet reached a steady altitude and I let go of my rack. 

"They follow the story of Luke's father, Anakin. How he became a Jedi and ultimately Darth Vader." Henry rested his chin on top of my head. "Big surprise." 

I laughed and set my gear where it was supposed to be so that I could easily grab them and go. Henry kissed the top of my head and took a seat. I pushed the rack back into the wall and sat down next to Henry. I grabbed the tablet from where I had set it down and checked our route. We had an hour before we reached Alaska. Hopefully, that would be enough time to catch Bell. At the cockpit, Nat and Clint were quietly chatting to each other. I couldn't hear their words over the hum of the engine, but I didn't think that I needed to hear their conversation. Beside me, Henry sat quietly and stared at the wall across from us. I couldn't read his blank expression, which was the usual case for him. I rarely knew what he was thinking or feeling until he outright said something. 

I inhaled deeply and glanced down at the tablet again. I swiped the screen and looked at the image of our target building. It looked like an old factory of some sort and as I guessed, abandoned. Perhaps it was another purchase of Bell's to cover up his schemes. 

"Do you think it will be easy?" I asked quietly. 

"Hm?" Henry shifted in his seat. 

"Extracting Bell," I said. 

SHIELD Agent Eleanor FlintWhere stories live. Discover now