Chapter 8

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Cate and I are folding my laundry on the floor in front of the dryer a couple hours later, each of us placing a folded item neatly back in the laundry basket I brought. It is silent between us. Not an awkward silence, thankfully, a comfortable one.

"Do you feel progress has been made?" I disturb the silence. Cate looks up from the t-shirt she's folding.

"If anything I have felt what it feels like to get off," we both chuckle at the comment. Cate sighs and sets down the shirt in the basket and relaxes her posture more than it was.

"So... up to this point, it feels like we just kinda went for it. Until last night. It was as close as Andrew as you could get I think." She looks up at me for a brief second before her face changes expression.

"I'm not trying to offend you," she quickly adds to her previous statement before continuing. "I just hope we could focus more on what makes me tick now," she has her hands closed in her lap. She leans against one of the dryers on her shoulder and looks up at me again.

"Did I cross any lines with you?" She shakes her head and uses her hands to settle her point.

"You haven't, don't worry. I'd tell you if you had," I dramatically wipe my brow and Cate laughs at that gesture.

"We can definitely do that," Cate's smile lights up the room. It perfectly compliments her eyes and her pale skin. I immediately refocus on the task at hand and continue to fold laundry, and so does Cate. It stays quiet for a few more minutes before Cate breaks the silence this time.

"Can I ask a more personal question?" I don't bother looking up, I just give her a simple nod. She's curious, and it wouldn't hurt letting her in a tiny bit.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I take another article of clothing out of the front facing dryer and start to fold it.

"Um... I was just wondering what your life story is... or what you feel comfortable telling me," she concentrated on her folding as she asked the question.

"You want me to start from the beginning?" She nods, briefly looking up.

"There's not much to tell. I was in and out of foster care till I turned 18. My mother was never able to afford me and her vices. When I was with her she did the best she could, I could tell." I take a breath and lean against the dryer.

"She never treated me horribly. It was mainly her deadbeat choice in boyfriends and occasional one-night stands who would. I was never in the system for longer than 8 months consecutively, so I like to think I was with her the majority of my childhood." I look over for a second and see Cate has shifted her position closer to me that she originally was. I can tell she wants to comfort me but doesn't know how, so I just motion for her to take my hand.

"What about your father?"

"Never knew him. Mom doesn't know who he is either. She fell pregnant around the time a boyfriend broke up with her and a few one night stands after that. It doesn't bother me. The way I see it, just one less person to worry about." Cate now has ahold of my arm, her head resting on my shoulder as she cuddled my arm close to her chest.

"Every once in a while a guy would come along that wasn't a total dick. They were far and few between, but they gave me a tiny bit of my childhood back before they left like the rest." I laid my head against the dryer and stared at the wall across from us. The plain grey almost swallowing me whole. The only thing holding me back from disappearing completely was the blonde on my arm, kissing my hand lightly.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that..."

"Me too..." I take a deep breath and let it out as a deep sigh, "Me too."


Over the next couple days I drifted in and out of existence. Disassociating without realizing it. Let's just say reminiscing on the past brought up feelings I buried years ago.

"Hey Amanda, you okay? You're a little pale," I look up at John. He has barely touched his beer.

"Yeah, just been having a tougher week than usual. Nothing I can't handle," I smile for him with more of an appreciation than usual. He takes out his wallet again, this time placing down a ten dollar bill.

"Get some water and some food in you, on me. And take a break if you can. You're always working so hard," I pick it up and make eye contact with him.

"Thank you," I carefully place the bill in my front pocket and wipe my hands on my apron. I look down the bar and see everyone is okay and good for a minute before I start walking down to the back.

"Hey Amanda?" I turn around and see John eager to ask me a question. "How about you come over for dinner again? It's been awhile since you've been over. I know the kids love to hang with you," I walk back towards him and graciously smile.

"That would be really nice, thank you."

"Does tomorrow night sound good?" I take my phone out of my back pocket to check my own calendar.

"Yeah, that looks good. Thank you," John reaches back into his pocket for his wallet for cash, he places down the amount for the single beer he has and replaces his wallet back in his pocket.

"The kids are going to be so excited!" We both laugh. His kids are the cutest things. We say formal goodbyes and I head back to take a small break. Folding my apron and placing it with my bag and helmet.

I take a bottled water from the fridge in the kitchen and head to the back room to sit down. I place my head in my hands and let myself start thinking.

At least I was able to get my laundry done out of all this.

Authors Note:

I'm so sorry it took a couple weeks for this update, I got behind in other things and wasn't able to write. I also have a weird habit of writing while watching various horror movies or crime shows..

Anyway! Than you so much for reading! Please consider voting and commenting if you enjoyed the chapter!

Love you!

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