Chapter 26

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1 week later

The light breeze through the open balcony doors wakes me up. The sun is warm against the sheet covering us. I open my eyes, trying to figure out my current position. My head is resting on Amanda's chest, her heart beating slowly.

I try and move my body off and away from Amanda without waking her up. Satisfied with her small breaths, I pick up the thin, white shawl draped at the end of the bed. I wear it over my arms casually, the shawl being the only form of clothing on my body.

From what I can tell, It's still early. We are just getting used to the time difference between here and where we were before, considering the 6 hour time difference. It's hard to believe everything that has happened in these past few months.

"Cate?" I turn my head towards the bed. Amanda is leaning against her elbows with a smile on her face. I turn around fully, Amanda glancing down before she makes eye contact with me again.

"Come back to bed, baby..." she pats the spot on the bed I was laying not even a half hour ago. I walk back over towards her and crawl onto her lap.

I hold her face gently and claim her lips again. She pulls my body closer to hers, my heart still jumping from her touch.

"I can't believe it's already been a week," I kiss various spots all over Amanda's face as she speaks. She holds my hips and tucks me into her torso as she slips us, her landing on top.

"What has the news said?" Amanda lays down next to me, kissing my neck.

"It hasn't made the national new yet. But he's got all the police help he can get it looks like," I wrap my arms around her waist and hide my face in the crook of her neck.

"Cate Blanchett has disappeared for good," I add before I kiss her neck. I take a deep breath before moving to get out of our bed.

"Where are you going?" Amanda slightly whines playfully. I look over my shoulder as I open the closet filled with the few articles of clothing we bought our first day here.

"Let's go to town today," I slip on undergarments, along with a simple white dress that buttons and ties in the front. Amanda has followed me out of bed and stands being me as I do my hair in the full length mirror in the room.

She kisses my shoulder, her hands resting on my waist. We look at each other in the mirrors reflection. Her eyes are kind and inviting. I turn my head enough for her to place a kiss on my lips.

"You know..." I turn around so I can see all of Amanda's face. She takes my face gently in her hands before resting her forehead against mine.

"You're the only good thing in my life, and I can't believe I met you..." she kisses me again, her face now wet with tears. I use my thumb to wipe them away.

"Let me get ready so we can head to town," she kisses my nose.

That's the closest either of us have come to saying 'I love you'.


In town, the sun helps warms the air. I trail my hand over the brick wall next to us as we continue our walk. Amanda squeezes my other hand.

"You hungry?" I look down over towards Amanda. She gestures over towards a small, little cafe up ahead.

"Always," she leads me towards the small cafe. It's too nice a day to sit inside, so we ask for a menu before walking back out to look it over. I lean against the brick wall, casually looking at the options.

I look up to see Amanda taking a picture of me. I cover my face with the menu from embarrassment. Amanda places a gentle hand on my thigh, causing me to look back at her.

"You look wonderful..." I blush but decide to indulge her. I pose the best I can, laughing the entire time. Amanda walks back over, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"What do you say to ordering to go?" Her tone is dark and delicious. My body will always jump for joy whenever I hear even an implication from her wonderful lips.

"We better do that quickly then, huh?" I tap my fingertips along hers, forgetting about the menu. Amanda smirks before slowly guiding my hand into a slow full body sway. Our music-less slow dance making me blush just a bit more.

Amanda brings our hands over my head into a slight spin, then using the slight momentum to bring me into a dip. I held onto her arms tighter, hoping she wouldn't drop me. Her lips capturing mine in a lustful kiss ensures I won't be dropped.

"Let's order now. I would like very much to take you home now,"

The world around us had disappeared briefly. I catch a couple lingering gazes when we walk into the cafe. We sat down after ordering. I couldn't think straight as Amanda's hand was resting in my upper thigh the entire time we were waiting.

"I think your relationship is beautiful," the waitress compliments as she hands us our order. We thank her for the kind words and almost book it back to our place.

Our place. The place that is ours. us, together, we live here. Just the two of us.

My dress is forgotten as the white-hot waves crash through me again. No matter how many times Amanda beds me, I seem to get off harder and harder. Her hands are priceless.

We lay in bed naked again. The sun now on the other side of the house. I trace circles around the uncovered canvas of Amanda's body. Her skin is something I'll never stop loving, want to stop touching.

The words hitch in the back of my throat. The hesitation to voice my feelings unreasonable. But I don't bother fighting them.

One day. One day I'll tell her. I'll tell her the true extent of how I feel, how I dream of her next to me. She most likely already knows...

But her ears will hear. They have to. One day...

Authors Note:

Thank you so much for reading! I'm so sorry about the wait. And I know many of you probably already got a notif for this chapter a few days ago. I was editing and accidentally posted it, I'm sorry for that.

Have any of you heard/seen the movie Ammonite? It stars Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan's the two main characters. It's honestly so good imo. I highly suggest it. I love the way it was filmed, the soundtrack, the lack of soundtrack skdjdbbd. 100000/10

Please don't forget to vote and comment anything if you enjoyed!

Love You!!!

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