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Angelo , was the most dullest person you ever met . mans looked as if he didn't have not one bit of happiness in him , he had to deal with the death of his baby sister , dad , nana &' mom all in 5 years . people mourned for Angelo because he's been through so much .  Everyday he felt alone , but those thoughts were knocked when he was around Nye ,  she was his rock . She wasn't his girlfriend but they did couple things . They were a thing without a title . And they enjoyed whatever it was they had going on . Nye kept him grounded through everything she was there for him and vice versa . He felt like she was all he needed . Angelo sat in his room in the dark , humming little songs that came to his head as he thought about life . He had no hope for a future . He was a killer . He was a drug dealer . He lived that life ,  Angelo was the jokester of the group , always laughing and playing around . People thought he was living a good life with a few bumps in it by the way he was so happy and always smiling . Little did they know Angelo now was 17 living alone , feeling alone , and having no hope for life anymore . The more he let his thoughts just run around as he laid out on the bed with low music playing he closed his eyes letting sleep take over his body .


Laliyn use to be the perfect little princess . She never talked back was always happy . She was a happy kid . She was so pretty and had everything going for herself and the its like boom you just get knocked down and everything you once had was just gone . Lali stayed in chicago with her mom , but her mom ended up getting sick so she had to stay with her aunt . The person who raised her mom , and instead of her aunt treating her like she was treating her mother , her aunt and uncle was treating her horrible . She only had to stay 18 months but within that 18 months so much happened . They wasnt feeding her correctly , some days she would go with out eating , she couldn't speak to her mom and if she wanted to talk to her she had to have the phone on speaker , she couldn't see the rest of her family , her aunt tried to put her in the system because all she wanted her for was for the money . And her cousin raped her , she also lost her mom in the process of all this . Lali went from feeling so happy to feeling like everybody had to get it . Instead of being sad she was and angry person who needed to let they feelings out . She had no one to talk to , she felt like nobody would understand her . She was fucked up after all that she stopped talking so much , she didn't like being touched , sometimes she didnt eat . When her uncles found out about her cousin raping her , she never heard or seen him again and no one speaks about it to this day sometimes some of her family members try to persuade her to talk about it but she never does , she never tell ppl bc she's embarrassed she see how ppl down play females who have been sexually assaulted and she would rather not go through that she didnt want any sympathy . Those events in her life fucked her up . She dont like skin on skin contact any more , she's shy as ever and only talks when spoken to , she doesn't feel like her current lifestyle is for her but she's trapped with no way out . She had dreams and goals and everything got took from her within 18 months she had no one . Nobody at all . She was the strongest female ever tho because in the mist of all that she was still able to make sure others were straight only dealing with her own feelings on late nights when its quiet and she starts to think to much as her thoughts take over and the water works start as she sits and beg for her life to be better and pray that she be okay , always asking for a way out . She was so young only 16 . And had already felt pain that no child should feel at all , seen things that she shouldn't have seen , done things that shouldn't have been done . But with the life that she live , you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes , and thats what she gotta do .

Kelahnye was honestly not your typical female at all of her way of life was unique nothing about her being mediocre not even her name . She grew up with no more , living with her dad all her life . Her dad was like her best-friend he showed her how to shoot and the different types of guns at a young age , she was introduced to drugs and the fast money life at a very young age . Her dad was a king pin Top notch . No body ever step foot to him , she had it all , she had the money , the designer clothes , the father daughter relationship , she felt loved sometimes and her heart went out to those people who couldn't get it . But everything wasnt peaches and cream all the time either . Nobody knew that for 4 months straight nye was getting pimped out . Before her and angelo became what they were she was in this relationship with this boy that she cared or so deeply for , She was 14 and he was 17 . He use to manipulate her to do things she shouldn't have been doing , he rushed her into sex before she was even ready . He brainwashed her , he had gotten into her head so much to the fact that he had her scared , she wanted to leave him but was nervous on what he would do . He use to beat on her and she would go home and cry to sleep sometimes not being able to go to school lying to her dad that she was just sick . One day he had her to go to this club with him where he let these guys take her and tried to rape her , good thing for her someone ended up walking into the room they were in and stopping it before it even happened . She had left with that person that night leaving her boyfriend at the club and ever since then she hasn't seen or heard anything about him . But she felt assured that nothing else was going to happen to her , sometimes he ran around her mind as she thought about if he was still out there looking for her . Her whole appearance had actually changed since he'd seen her , she was alot more developed in the places that she lacked when she was 14 she looked better in the face , she wasn't unrecognizable, but if you'd seen her you would most definitely have to take a double look . After her experience with the Tyrell she vowed to never be that vulnerable and to never get that weak again to the point she let someone run over her like that . She had build up aggression. Angry at herself for even allowing herself to let that happen . she was stronger than that . " what happened to me " she said as a whisper as tears dropped down from her eyes . closing them letting the darkness take over .

kyree next these chapters are just so everybody can get a better understanding with each character with will come in handy later on in the book . i have some good ideas I just dont know how to format then yet . its 5:26 where im at and im updating cause I cant sleep and im honestly excited because i have so many ideas and they are so good like ohmygeesh .

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