More Than Just Being Nasty

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Natasha's P.O.V

It's late at night when I get back, from my last mission, to the Avenger's facility. I haven't seen the five boys when I arrived so I guess it is safe to go to the kitchen at this time.

I quickly paced through the cupboard and get a ramen in it. I opened the stove and put an enough amount of water to boil. I was about to get a bottle of water inside the refrigerator, while waiting for the water to boil, when strong arms held my small waist.

Damn! I missed this.

I gasped when his breath blew on my nape and the crook of my neck. His affect on me, ever since our first, still felt the same.

"Steve." I whispered slowly and gently as his fingers starting to trail my covered skin.

"Hmm?" he hummed in reply. Steve's lips began to kiss my hair, sweetly, that made my heart pounded even harder for him.

"I'm doing something."

"Then continue it. I can wait." he said, his voice is gentle and romantic, but his tone is pointing out something, like he wants to imply something to me.

"I-I can't... I'm getting suffocated, Steve." I rolled my eyes when I stammered. Steve has this strong affect on me, that everytime he's around, my stupid self keeps on stuttering like a fool.

Steve loosened his hold on me that made me sigh in relief.

He sighed. "You better do that fast––"

"You said so yourself, that you can wait, Captain." I said, simpering at him but he just rolled his eyes on me. What a girl?

"––or else..."

I gave him a naughty look. "Or else what?" I asked him, but he just looked at me flatly so I turned my back on him and started cooking.

I put the noodles on the water that almost stirred off. Fucking dumb! When it's particularly done, I put the ramen on a medium bowl and get a spork.

I sat on the kitchen chair and put the bowl of ramen on the table. I was about to eat a spoonful of the noodles when Steve, who's observing me for quite some time now, cleared his throat off to get my attention.

"What?" I shot at him. I swear, I'm kind of giving him a super, death glare.

"Oh! Cut it off, Natasha! I'm hungry. Won't you give me something?" he pleaded, trying to win my sympathy. He even pouted and do that cute puppy eyes on me.

I rolled my eyes on him. "Wet'ever! Come here. I'll feed you, Rogers." I smirked on him.

"You know what, Romanoff?" he stared at me for a minute and I only smirked on him.

"Gonna stand there long or wanna eat my ramen?"

Steve recovered from his gaze and sat right next to me. He gets the spork that I am holding and I almost shouted on his face. "What the hell? Get your own fork, Steve. That's mine!" I exclaimed and he flinched a little.

"Not today, Romanoff, and I'm so lazy to get mine." he stated. I narrowed my eyes on him, but he just shrugged and put his arm around my shoulder, which I find very romantic. My heart even leaped a little.

We continued eating the noodles, which I can say isn't enough for him alone. I turned to face him to castigate him, but what shocked me is his sudden gesture.

He eventually slashed his lips on mine and I wasn't able to move for a second. I can even feel that my eyes popped out of its hole when his hands started to roam around my body, so I tapped his shoulders.

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