Lost in the Woods

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( Massive Credits to : Chesca Braddock for the title. )

Natasha's P.O.V.

I ran through the rocky part of the highway as Steve kept on chasing after me. No! He can't. He must not find me or else I won't be able to stop myself and be too selfish to get him away from Sharon.

“Natasha!” I hear his shouting voice from not so far but I still kept on running, not minding the steep hill above.

“Natasha! Stop running! I will still find you!” Steve still shouted, running.

I know. I know that sooner or later, he'll still find me whether I like it or not. I would probably like that coming moment but not the consequence of it. Damn it!

Panting, I hid behind the blades of the tall grasses. Hoping that he'll walk past me. I just stayed still, trying to be vigilant, castigating the dark surrounding. It's already past 7 pm so the cold breeze of the Western seas touched my skin, cuckoos deafened my ears, darkness engulfed my sight.

I silently sat, waiting for another minute to pass. I looked at my watch and was about to lean on the grass when I realise that I'll fall. I readied myself but instead, I fell on a hard wall–––chest. Shit!

“You won't go anywhere, love.” Steve said, embracing me. Somehow, my worries flooded away. I felt safe in his embrace but my proper judgments are still lingering in my mind. This is wrong.

I started to wiggle out of his arms but he's way stronger than me.

“Steve! Let me go! You're just making everything worse.” I said, trying to hold back the tears that are slowly creeping out of my eyes.

“Nat... Just... Let me prove it to you this time.” his voice is full of sadness and that hurted me.

“Steve... Y-you... You c-can't love me.” I said, now have had the guts to face him, trying to break my cowardice.

“Yes I can.” he said, wiping my tears away. I hate this feeling. The feeling of being weak in front of the America's Golden Boy but I can't hide my throes even to the Killing Machine herself.

“But you may not.” I smiled bitterly, not minding his intent stares at me.

He moved closer, tweaking my hair to the side.

“You know that I can. We just have to work it out.” he said in his baritone voice.

I looked down. “I can't be selfish–––”

“–––Be selfish enough this time!–––”

“That's Sharon! You love her! What am I to you? Your fucking buddy? What?! Your partner in SHIELDS? Your best friend? You said so yourself, you just want me to be your friend.” I screamed in a tone that seems to be blaming him. I saw how his emotion changed. He didn't like any of what I said.

Steve moved aggressively towards me. He's so fast that I wasn't able to see what's coming. He pushed me on the grasses, grabbed my wrists and pinned it above me, then towered me in an instant.

I saw how his jaw clenched in place and teeth gritted in temperament. “You don't get to decide how I see you, Natasha! You don't know how much I wanted you and admire you since the first day I saw you. You're just so insensitive to not notice that! You kept on pushing me to Sharon when in fact I don't even  like her a bit. You dated Banner and I'm so broke! Haven't you know that? I saved all my strengths to not take you away from him, I tried to move on with Sharon but I really can't. I thought all those years of us being together, satiating our own desires will push you closer to me but I thought wrong. I planned to make you jealous even though it's so unfair in Sharon's side and now, I'm going to be locked to a forever commitment. I'm going to be wed with Sharon and yet you're telling me that you still don't want to be selfish?! What's wrong with me that you can't even fight for me?” there's full of bitterness and woes in his voice. Pain flashed through his eyes and that hurted me.

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