The MCR Rejects(Wednesday 1/2)

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(I've been pretty busy cause im making a cake for my moms birthday and im also trying to finish 2 drawings for this book >:3)

I'll update tommorow or the next day. Hopefully tommorow.


Word Count: 917

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Deku's POV

"Alright, school is over. Get out of here."

Loud chatter erupted in the room as I packed up my bag. I had a lot on my mind today, so I didn't talk to anyone. I just slung my bag over my shoulders and left without a word. 

The hallways of the dorms were silent as I walked through them. Nobody has made it to the dorms yet. As soon as I got to my dorm, I put my bag on the chair and took out a piece of paper. I grabbed a pen and started to get to work. I wrote down all of my classmates names.

Kacchan, Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Jirou, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shouji, Me, Iida, Aoyama, Uraraka, Asui, Yaoyorozu, Hagakure, Oijiro, Kouda, and Satou.

Okay. Kacchan and I obviously already know.

Oijiro, Kouda, Satou, Yaoyorozu, Hagakure, Aoyama, and Asui are off the list, because I have told them.

The people left are Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Jirou, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Iida, and Uraraka.

Again, the 'Bakusquad' will probably be the hardest to convince, so I don't know who I should aim for. I look over to my right to notice the book that I borrowed from Todoroki, but I haven't given it back.

I should probably go return it.

Oh! Thats it! When I go return it, I'll talk to Todoroki about Kacchan as well!

I get up, grabbing the book. As soon as I opened the door, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero were standing there.

"Midoriya bro! Wanna go to my dorm and play video games?" Kirishima asked. "Oh, sorry guys, I can't. I need to go talk to Todoroki and also return this book." I said. They all looked at me with a unreadable expression on their faces. "Oooh~ Is something going on between you two? We can keep a secret!~"

My eyes widened, before shaking my head quickly. "No! Of course not! Todoroki is one of my closest friends. Besides, I have someone else in mind.." Kirishima piped up. "Who?! Come on, man! Tell us!" I shook my head again. "No can do, guys. Not until I sort some things out. But, I really have to get going. So, uh, I'll see you guys later?"

"Sure! We'll play together another time, bye!"

I sigh, heading towards Todoroki's room. I knock on the door loudly, before I hear shuffling. The door opened quietly.

"Midoriya? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I came to return the book you let me borrow!" 

He nodded, before taking the book. "Thank you."

I stopped the door from closing with my foot. "Wait, could we talk about something for a minute?"

"I have company over. Is that fine? Or should it just be me and you?"

I shook my head. "I could talk to them, too. I'm trying to tell everyone in the class about it."

"Well, come on in, then." He said, opening the door. I saw Shouji, Jirou, and Tokoyami sitting on his bed. We both came in and sat down with them. "Midoriya wanted to speak with us. Can you all stay for a little bit longer?" They all nodded. 

"Of course. What did you want to say, Midoriya?" Tokoyami asked.

"...Well, you guys know about what Kacchan said to me, right?" 

"Do you mean when it got leaked that Bakugo told you to jump off the school roof in middle school?" I cringed at the memory.

Ah, Todoroki. As blunt as always.

"Yes. That."

Shouji started to speak. "Are you okay, Midoriya? That sound awfully harmful to say to someone." I nodded. "Yeah, Im fine. I actually wanted to talk about Kacchan.."

"What about him? Do you want to report him?" 

"What?! No! I can't report Kacchan! He'll never become a hero if I did!I...actually wanted to talk about his mental health." 

"What about it? I mean, he seems perfectly fine to me. At least I think....Actually, now that you said something about it, I have noticed Bakugo acting more..calm? Distant? Maybe sad?" Jirou questioned. "Well, that's the thing. He feels really guilt about saying that to me." Todoroki scoffed, surprising everyone. "Of course he should feel guilty." I sighed. "He should, but not this much. He was having a bad day, and I was annoying him. Of course he was going to snap at me! And when I say he feels guilty, I mean he feels extremely guilty." Todoroki looked slightly angered. "He should feel extremely guilty, Midoriya. He should want to die  after he said that to you!" 

I look at him, completely shocked.

My eyes started to tear up extremely fast.

How could he say that?! I thought he would understand! He doesn't even know whats going on! 

I try to blink away the tears, but they just keep flowing. "That's the problem here!"

He glared at me slightly. "What's the problem? I don't see one!"

I yelled, my voice cracking as I spoke. 

"Todoroki, he does want to die!"






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