"I love you." (Tuesday)

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im laughing cause my mom keeps falling asleep on the couch and sticking her hand in her food XD

ALSO don't think i havent been planning anything. trust me, you better be prepared for my new book thats coming out soon >:)

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Deku's POV

It's finally the day! Me and Kacchan are going on a date! We agreed for me to come to his dorm at 5:30pm, and it's 5:03pm right now. 

I'm really nervous though. 

What if something bad happens? What if I say something weird? What if he decides that he doesn't love me anymore? What if someone gets hurt? 

I take a deep breath, trying to tell myself that everything will  be alright. I look around the room to see the bouquet of flowers that I got him. I remember him telling me that he liked these flowers. It was a long time ago though, we were only 7.

"Kacchan! Wait up!" 

He looked back at me and grinned.

"C'mon, Izuku! You're so slow! We need to get to the playground!" He said, while running off. I huffed but continued trying to keep up with him, until we reached the playground.

I went immediately to the slide, and slid down as fast as I could. "Kacchan! Come down the slide! It's a lot of fun!" I giggled. I looked over to Kacchan, and found him crouched over in the grass field. I ran over to him, curious to see what he was looking at.

I see him staring at this big bush of flowers. "Kacchan? Why are you looking at those flowers?" I asked.

"...They're really pretty." He said, still focusing on the flowers.

Now that I looked at them, I notice that they are really pretty.

He looked at me. "I think these are Marigolds..That's what mom told me." 

He looked back at the flowers. "I want someone to give me these one day."

"What do you mean, Kacchan?" I asked, confused.

"Someone who means a lot to me. I want them to give me these. Like, in a big bouquet!" He said, excitedly.

I look to the side. "Kacchan, do you have anyone who means a lot to you?" 

He looked away, blushing. "No! Why would I? I mean, I guess my mom. But she's old and mean. What about you? Do you have anyone who means a lot to you?"

I turn bright red. Mumbling, I said, "Y-Yeah, I do.."

I look up to see Kacchan running in the open field. "C'mon! Bet you can't catch me!" He said, laughing.

I smile widely. "Coming, Kacchan!"

I smile fondly, looking back at the happy memory. The bouquet that I got is special, because it's from the same bush that me and Kacchan saw when we were 7.

I check my watch to see the time. 5:18pm. Okay, I have time. I told Kacchan to wear something casual, but not too casual. That's what I'm wearing as well. 

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