The Squad and Study Time(Thursday)

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The AMV at the top is dope

things are finally getting a little spicy....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

no, not like that-

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Deku's POV

It's lunchtime, I've finished eating, and my I'm lost in my own thoughts.

I have already gotten most of the class, but that's still not enough. I need everyone in the class. So far, the people I have left are Iida, Uraraka, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido

But, when should I tell Kacchan tomorrow...when we're packing up? No, that's cutting it way too close....Maybe..I could get everyone else today, and then tell him in the morning? So that way, everyone can try and be really nice, and he won't feel like doing it! Yeah! That's the perfect plan!

Alright, I should probably tell Uraraka and Iida first, since I feel like the 'Bakusquad' might have a hard time believing me..Okay. I'll ask if I can speak to Uraraka now, and I can get Iida and the Bakusquad after school.

Right as I finish my thoughts, I hear the bell ring, signalling that lunch is over.

Crap! Now I can't tell Uraraka

I'll just ask to speak with her in her dorm.

"Midoriya-kun! Are you alright? You spaced out for a minute. You were also mumbling again." Uraraka said, chuckling. "Oh, I was? Hehe, sorry..But, Uraraka, can I speak with you after school in your dorm? I need to talk about something."

She grinned. "Oh, sure! Well..after school Iida and Ojiro are coming over because we are doing a study session at 4, but can you come before that?" 

..Maybe I could try and talk to both of them if I came to the study session and just asked to talk about something important?

"Could I maybe come to the study session? Not to actually study, but to talk to you and Iida? Oijiro already knows." I insisted.

"Sure! I don't know why it should be so private, but of course I'll listen!" She cheered.

I smiled. 

I have such nice friends.

~Time skip because things are about to get sPicY~

I ran to Uraraka's dorm, and knocked harshly, because I was 10 minutes late.

"Glad you could finally join us, Midoriya-kun." Iida said, not meaning to sound salty. I chuckled. "Heh, yeah. Sorry about being late." I said, sitting down on the floor, next to Ojiro.

"Anyways, I wanted to talk to you guys about Kacchan. Ojiro, you already know, right?" He looked at me sadly. "Oh, about that? Yeah, of course I remember." 

I look back as Uraraka starts to speak. "What about him? Is it about what he said to you in middle school? That was horrible! Honestly, he looked like a villain!"

My eyes widened as I frantically tried to convince her otherwise. "It's about that, but just listen to me before you speak-" She cut me off. "Are you trying to back him up? Midoriya-kun, you are too nice. I actually mean it. Bakugo doesn't deserve to be in UA! He keeps causing trouble, yells at other students, and he bullies you! Sure, it was worse before. But what could he have possibly done to make you stand up for him?"

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