Telling Kacchan(Friday)

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I found out my mom is transphobic! Wow. She is homophobic as well, but she is trying to be better for a family member who is openly gay. My best friend, that I've known since 1st grade is trans. And I hate how I have to say their deadname every time I talk about them.

She's also racist! She says that she's not, but she makes these little comments that are so rude! Gosh, I'm losing more respect for her everyday. 

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Deku's POV

We've all gathered together in the common room early in the morning. When I say early, I mean before Kacchan gets up.

We all are here because we agreed that we should tell Kacchan this morning. So throughout the day, he can really process that we are all here for him.

What about Uraraka, you ask?

I managed to convince her to at least act like she agrees with us. She doesn't have to talk to him, she just needs to not say anything mean about him.

"Alright, guys! That's our plan. Are you with that Midoriya?"

My eyes widened. "Uhhh...what was the plan?"

"Geez, Midoriya, you're tired, aren't you? Well, the plan was to----"

Bakugo's POV(surprising, right?)

*insert annoying alarm clock sound: the sequel*

I slam my fist against my alarm clock, getting out of bed almost immediately. I drag my feet to my closet, where I throw on my uniform, grab my bag, and get the hell out of there. 

I like to be the first one in class because I have time to just relax and listen to music by myself, without having to worry about being to class on time; because I'm already in the classroom.

I close my door, and start walking towards the elevator, which is next to the common room.

As I'm passing down the hall, I see people in common room. I don't really think much of it, I can just walk passed them without them bothering me, probably.

Notice I said 'probably'.

"Bakubro! Can you come here for a sec?" I heard Dunce Face yell for me.

I roll my eyes, before walking over to them. I noticed that the whole class was here, for some reason.

Oh shit, this is probably where they all tell me that I can't be a hero because of what I said. They hate me, don't they? Great. I'll probably get expelled now. Then what would I do? 

I glance to the right to see Deku standing there. 

Did he tell everyone about..what...happened..?

I look at everyone's faces. They're filled with pity. The thing I despise the most.

He told them didn't he! My god, he just can't keep his mouth shut, can he?! Sure, they were bound to find out, but I didn't expect all this pity!..Why do I like him?

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