Chapter Eleven - Hangover from Last Night

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Tracy Sterling

It's Saturday and Scott's friends will be leaving tomorrow. Oh how I wanted to spend more time with Austin. Unfortunately, we need to act naturally when we're outside. I don't want others to think that I'm hooking up with the best friend of my so called boyfriend. He's not my boyfriend but everyone sees us as a real couple. I'm only doing him a favor but it doesn't mean that I can't enter a relationship with someone. We're sitting at the dining area and no one wants to break the silence. Most of us were damn tired. Austin is holding my other hand under the table while trying to act natural.

"My head is still aching" Rachel complained while trying to break the silence.

"Tired from last night, babe?" Harris asked.

"Shut up" Rachel stopped him, her cheeks are burning red.

"How was your night, Madison?" Brianna asked her.

"It was great, I spent it with Scott only the two of us inside his room and--" Madison was interrupted by Rachel. Is she trying to make me jealous? Very funny, indeed.

"Cut it out" Rachel said.

I really want to slap her in her face. And for the record, I'm not jealous I'm just simply pissed because she looks so desperate. And why would I be jealous? I spent my whole night with Austin. I headed upstairs and just as I was about to enter my room I hear a voice. 

"Looks like someone here had a great time last night" It was no other than Scott.

"Why do you even care? You had a great time too with your bedmate Madison" I answered with sarcasm. It was too late when I realized that it's a stupid mistake to open up about what I saw last night. It was awkward.

"So you are stalking me now?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Hold your horses, dickhead. I only went to your room last night because I need to check up on you. That's what nannies do" I explained.

"Jealous?" He smirked. Is he for real? Why the fuck would I be jealous in the first place?

"Fuck, you got to be kidding me" I tried to suppress myself from laughing too hard.

Suddenly he cornered me in the wall and were just inches close. I can feel my knees are weakened by his smile.

"I know that you want me, Tracy" He stated as he cornered me in the wall with his arms. Want? I really want to punch you right now douchebag for making it harder for me to fulfill my duties as your freaking nanny. He is demanding and I can't even stand his arrogant attitude.

"Let go of me, Scott. Or else you're little buddy down there will suffer the consequences" And I pointed at his crouch area. He knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"I bet you can't do that to me, Tracy" He whispered as his face is getting nearer

"Scott I swear--" He interrupted me when he started to own my lips. I can't even move a muscle right now, I feel like my knees are weakened by his kiss. I'm starting to respond to his wild kisses. Then his hand roamed around inside my skirt, touching my bare skin which sent shiver down to my spine. He trailed kisses from my lips down to my neck as I moaned in pleasure. Fuck, Scott. I really want him to stop right now but I can't resist him.

Then he stopped and let go of me.

"That wasn't so bad for a make out session" His lips turned into a smirk. I wasn't able to respond, it feels like everything happened so fast I wasn't able to control myself.

"I like it when you blush" He said. My cheeks must be red right now. This is so embarrassing. Why did I even let him take control of my emotions?

"Asshole!" I said. I'm so pissed at him for doing that and I'm also pissed at myself because I let him take over me.

"I'll take that as a compliment. And by the way Tracy, I want you too" He smirked then opened the door. I was shocked to see Austin outside the door.

"Scott, what are you doing here?" Austin asked him out of his confusion.

"Just giving my nanny, some reminders about her tasks. Hey man, I'll just see you around" He reasoned out then walked away.

Austin entered my room.

"Tracy, are you okay? You look tensed" He said then wiped my forehead with his handkerchief.

"Yeah" I answered.

One point for lying, Tracy! Of course I'm not okay. It feels like I'm a terrible person for cheating on Austin.

"You need to get some rest" He smiled at me and he kissed me on my forehead.

"I will, don't worry" I gave him an assurance.

"Good night, princess" he stated then covered me with a blanket and left.

Great, now how am I supposed to sleep if I can't stop thinking about what happened? I asked myself. Austin, I really wish I could tell you everything. But maybe this is not the perfect time. I can't lose Austin. Tracy Sterling, what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into this time?

. . . . .

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