Safe and Sound - Chapter 7

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Chapter SEVEN

When I woke up, my mom was in the chair beside my bed. She was looking at a magazine, I noticed right away. Celebrities, again. I felt okay, rested, and the pain wasn't too bad, initially. I really just wanted to get up and go.

   "Morning, honey," my Mom whispered, as soon as she saw my eyes open. "How're you feeling?"

   I stretched my legs, wincing at the pain that shot down my left leg.

   "I'm fine," I said, then added, "good."

   "Good, and I have great news! Dr. Williams was here this morning. She said all of your vitals were great overnight, no fever, no infection."

   I forced myself to smile. "Awesome."

   "She's just going to pop in in a bit and look at your leg, re-bandage it and then we will get discharge papers!" she went on.

   "Okay," I said, readjusting myself in the bed. "So, what about Chicago?"

   "Oh, honey. You can call your dad soon, but I'm sure he'll understand that I need to take you home." My mom spoke quickly and I knew there was no arguing this. Not like I wanted to go to Chicago now, anyway.

   "Oh, yeah, of course," I agreed, half smiling at her.

   My Dad was absent. Even when I was younger and he was there, he wasn't really. He was usually in his own little world. He was an artist and he was brilliant, but it meant my mom and I got left behind, a lot. When I was ten, my Mom had had enough of being on the back burner. I loved and missed him, but we had really grown a part.

   I knew he wasn't really going to care that my visit was canceled, which is what bothered me the most. He'd be happy that I was okay and he'd say something like 'Next time!' or 'How about your Spring Break?' And then he would have some reason to not be able to make it work. He had been doing it for years.

   Discharge was at 10 A.M., and I was dressed and ready to go. It was slightly difficult with my leg wrapped up and my arm in the cloth sling, but I was determined. Rich appeared, carrying my small suitcase that had been in the train's cargo. The police had brought it back that morning. But my wallet and phone hadn't been found.

   I'd texted Sonya and Kate, telling them I would be home later that day. I knew they'd come over and hang out with me as soon as I was home.

   But I hadn't heard from Rowan. He had said he would text, but he didn't say when. I didn't know his plan, or if he even had one. I just knew that he was with his brother, at the motel. I didn't want to seem annoying or overly interested, either.

   We were literally getting into Rich's car in the parkade when my phone buzzed.


   I hurried to text back.  IM IN THE CAR, ABOUT TO START DRIVING HOME.


   NOPE. BACK TO TEXAS, I answered.


   I didn't know what to say back. Rich started the car. I knew I wanted to see Rowan again but he wasn't making it obvious that he wanted to see me.

   SO, ARE YOU ALREADY GONE? he finally asked.



   My heart was racing. "Rich," I said out loud, my voice panicked. "Can you pull in to the motel?"

   "Uh, sure, yeah," Rich answered quickly, backing out of the parking spot.

   "What's wrong, Cass?" my mom asked, looking back at me.

   "Rowan..." I said, plainly. "He's still here. I just want to..."

   Neither of them said anything else as Rich pulled in to the parking lot and turned off the car. They just looked at each other, waiting. I felt terrified, because I had no idea what I would say to Rowan now.

   I'M OUTSIDE, I texted him.

   He didn't text back, but I watched the building, all those doors, wondering which room he was in. It took a few minutes before he stepped outside. He was wearing jeans, a black sweater and a hat, but I knew it was him.

   "I'll be right back," I said to my mom and Rich, then opened the car door and carefully got out.

   Walking hurt, but Rowan moved towards me, fast. He didn't hesitate or even slow down before he wrapped himself around me, hugging me. I laid my head on his chest, closing my eyes. He smelled like Irish Spring soap and I just knew he was freshly showered, unlike me. But I wanted to stay there, him holding me, forever.

   "Get home safe," he whispered, right in my ear.

   Suddenly I realized that my mom and Rich were likely watching us, so I pulled away, stepping back a bit, even though it was not what I wanted. The way I felt when I was close to Rowan was unlike anything else.

   "Okay," I said, looking at his eyes, then his mouth.

   His lips were slightly parted, like he had something to say, but he just kept his eyes on me, quiet.

   "Have fun in St. Louis," I said, just wanting him to say something else.

   "Oh, my brother and I always... seem to have fun." He smiled, and I felt my heart swell. I hadn't really seen him smile up until this point.

   Without warning, he pulled me in again, his arms holding me close to him. I could feel him breathing, heavy, our chests touching.

   "Why is this so... hard?" he whispered.

   I swallowed, but my mouth felt too dry. "I don't know."

   It felt like hours, and yet seconds, before he spoke again. I wanted those moments to never end. "Your mom and... they are waiting for you."

   "Yeah," I said, stepping back again. But felt wrong.

   "Okay if I text you... sometime?" he asked, giving me a confused look.

   Neither of us knew what was actually happening between us, but it was something.

   I half smiled at him. "Yes."

   "Okay, then. You should... go."

   I didn't want to go, but I couldn't tell him that. I couldn't say that I would miss him, or that I wanted to see him again. So I just nodded and started to turn away. But Rowan reached for my hand, stopping me. He squeezed it, smiling at me again.

   "Bye, Cassidy."

   "Bye," I finished. 

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