Safe and Sound - Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty ONE

"Cassidy!" Coach Winters called to me, as I walked into practice the next day after school. "Have you been stretching and flipping over the weekend?"

  I hadn't been, but I nodded anyway. "Yes."

  "Good. I decided you have a spot in the tumbling pass, and you'll have to learn the pyramid from the floor so we can put you in when the cast is off."

  I was surprised, since I didn't think I'd have an actual spot in the routine this year. Maybe as a back up, but not a real spot.

  "Oh, thank you. I can't really tumble right now, besides aerials and back tucks -"

  "Keep on those, then. Get off the bench, stretch," she said, smiling. "You'll be fine."

   I was in shock as she walked away. As Sonya came up behind me, I realized she hadn't been in second period today.

  "I was at the dentist earlier," she said, even though I didn't ask. "No cavities!"

  "Good job," I laughed. "Coach just said I have a spot in the routine."

  "Of course you do," Sonya said, then patted my cast. "But our uniforms are green and white, so that cast has to go." She laughed loud, at herself.

  I smiled. "Two weeks, I hope," I told her, then followed her as she walked towards the rest of the team.

  Instead of sitting on the bench, I spent more than half of it on the mat with Kate and some other girls. I felt really good. My leg was healed, for the most part. It only got sore if I twisted it the wrong way. I was able to aerial, back tuck and split jump with ease. Coach was glad I was back on the mat and was working, rather than watching. I was glad, too.

  Until I got home from practice, that is.

  "Are you kidding, Cassidy?" my Mom practically screamed at me.

  For a moment, as I kicked off my shoes, I had no idea what she was talking about. But then I saw her phone was open to Instagram.

  "Uh, what?" I asked, cautiously.

  "Kate posted and tagged you in photos from practice today! Why the hell were you flipping and jumping?"

  Of course my Mom followed me and my friends on Instagram.


  "No, Cass. You were injured, badly. And you're healing. You're only supposed to be on the bench at practice," she interrupted.

  "Coach wants me to work on what I can," I said quickly. "She's putting me in the routine."

  "You don't even know if your arm will be better... and your leg-"

  "My leg is fine. It's been three weeks, Mom. It's... good. I feel good."

  "I'm glad to hear that, really. But the doctor said the chances of re injuring your arm are... high." She looked worried.

  "I know. I heard him. I'm not using my arm. Mom, I'm fine."

  She looked at me, really looked at me, then nodded. "Just be careful."

  "Of course," I forced a smile and continued past her to go up to my room.

  But when I laid down to go to bed, after a shower, I realized my leg was throbbing, more than usual. I ignored it, and text Rowan goodnight.

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