Safe and Sound - Chapter 27

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I left the house at 7 P.M., only an hour later. I had thrown a few things into a bag, like my toothbrush, clean underwear, a t-shirt and leggings for the next day. I walked to Sonya's, after texting her that I was on my way.

  The plan was I would wait there for Rowan, so my mom didn't know about the party. Usually she would be fine with me going to a party, but in this case I didn't want her to know I would be with Rowan. On the way to Sonya's, I felt excited and nervous. This would be the first time at a party with Rowan. This would be the first time we'd spend the night together. This would be when I'd have sex for the first time. It was a lot to take in.

  "Hey," Sonya said as she opened the door.

  She was already dressed for the party - a short skirt and ruffled top, with flowers. Her hair was up in a bun and she even had some mascara on, which was unlike her. Sonya missed a lot of parties, as she often had to stay home with her sister. Kate and I had been going to parties since the tenth grade together.

  "Hey," I repeated, stepping into the house.

  "Layla is sleeping over at my Aunt's house tonight. And my parents are out on a date night," she went on, quickly. "You want to pre-drink?"

  "Do you?" I asked her, surprised.

  "No, but you can," she giggled. She didn't like drinking.

  She poured me a glass of Coke with rum, then I started babbling about how nervous I was about tonight. "It's just... so much anticipation."

  "Just relax," Sonya said, patting my hand. "Or have another drink."

  "I'll drink at the party," I laughed, glancing at the clock.

  It was almost eight.

  IM NOT FAR, LESS THAN TEN MINUTES AWAY, Rowan texted a few minutes later.


  "My heart is beating so fast," I told Sonya.

  "I can't believe you're going to have sex tonight," she giggled. "And I don't even have a boyfriend."

  "Maybe someone tonight will spark your interest," I laughed.

  "Ugh, have you met Archie's friends? They are hot but so dumb," Sonya went on.

  "That's true," I agreed, still laughing.

  "Maybe I'll meet a smart, sexy guy at college," Sonya shrugged.

Archie's house was ridiculous, that was true. It was in a neighbourhood of mansions, just north of our school. I'd never been there before, and as Rowan pulled into the gated driveway, I could tell by his face he was surprised, too.

  "Holy crap," Sonya said from the back seat.

  "Jesus," Rowan agreed, "What do this kid's parents do?"

  I shook my head. "No idea."

  Rowan parked behind a fancy looking SUV and we all got out, then walked slowly towards the front door of the house. The steps were stone and the front double doors were beautiful. I rang the doorbell and one of the doors flew open a moment later.

  "Welcome!" Archie's best friend, Tyson McLoud, shouted at us. "Oh it's you girls. Sweet. Kate has been waiting for you!"

  I glanced at Sonya and then smiled at Tyson, grabbing Rowan's hand. The house was massive, each room seemed bigger than the last. There were people everywhere, drinking out of red plastic cups. The music was loud.

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