Safe and Sound - Chapter 16

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The girls had a million questions, which began the moment we sat down at the diner for lunch, the next afternoon. They asked how my arm felt, if they could sign the cast, and how long it would be on for. And then they moved on to questions about Rowan.

  "So, what does he look like?" Kate asked, biting a french fry.

  "I can't believe you didn't take a photo of him," Sonya added.

   "He's... tall, strong. And he has these blue eyes..." I began, trying to picture him in my head.

   "You should just text him and ask him to send you a selfie right now," Kate laughed.

   "Yes!" Sonya agreed, dropping her sandwich onto her plate.

   "That's weird," I said, shaking my head.

   "It's totally not," Kate said. "Archie sends me selfies all the time."

   "Rowan is not like Archie," I told her, too quickly.

   "What does that mean?" Kate asked, shooting me a look.

   "Nothing. You know Archie is... outgoing and crazy. Rowan is... laid back."

   "You could still ask him," Sonya said, nudging me.

   I picked up a piece of my chicken and took a bite, glancing out the window.

   "Tell us all about your night," Kate changed the subject.

   I blinked, looking at Sonya and then to her. "It was great. At first it was... I don't know. He was dressed up, and had his hair done... he looked different. And meeting his dad and his dad's girlfriend was..." They just stared at me, waiting for me to go on. "But we hung out, after dinner, in his bedroom, and-"

   "And?" Kate practically yelled.

   "We watched a show. But it's just obvious... there's just a spark. A lot of sparks, when we are together."

   "Cheesy," Kate laughed. "But so cute!"

   "He kissed me," I spat out, knowing what their reaction to this would be. They fell silent. "It wasn't like making out, but... it was magical."

   "Oh my god!" Sonya squealed. "Why didn't you say that already?"

   "My first kiss was gross," Kate laughed, eating another fry. "And you just said your first kiss was magical. Wow."

   I nodded, picking at my food again. "I'm just glad he feels the same. I thought it was crazy, that I, like, fell for him."

   "You're so lucky," Sonya said, sipping her Coke.

   "Well, I got ejected from a moving train, cut open my legs and effed up my elbow, falling down a huge hill," I said, then smiled at her. "But yes, lucky that I met Rowan."

   "And you're both single, which is great," Kate added. "He's single, right?"

   "Wait, are you, like, dating him?" Sonya interrupted, then looked at Kate. "He kissed her, obviously he's single."

   It hit me like a ton of bricks that I had never asked him if he was single. Or if we were friends, or more. But he did kiss me. And he said he wants to kiss me again.

   "Dating?" I repeated. "I don't know. We live in different cities."

   "He'll make it work if he likes you," Kate said right away.

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