The Start

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My eyes flew open as white hot pain surged through every part of my body. I curled up into a ball and gritted my teeth to stop a scream from escaping. As the pain finally faded to a dull throb I uncurled myself and sat up, looking down I dully realised I was naked before getting out of the bed and limping to the bathroom, I locked the door before turning to survey myself in the floor length mirror. Bruises, hickeys, bites, burns and scars covered my entire body apart from my face. Some where old, some fresh. I winced as I felt something leak down my legs, I shakily walked over to the shower and turned it on before stepping under the hot spray. I hissed as it hit the stinging fresh wounds, I stood there for awhile before I snapped myself out of a daze and cleaned myself. I closed my eyes as I realised I had to clean out my ass too, I did it quickly as it hurt like hell. Once finished I turned off the water, stepped out and dried myself before jumping as someone tried to open the locked door "come out." I flinched at his cold voice, "I know you heard me. Get your ass out here. NOW." I whimpered as he shouted that last part, I was trembling now. "I swear to god Shoyo. If you don't open this fucking door right now..." I stayed silent, wishing he would go "Fine then, Its your own fucking fault." I stared in horror as I heard a click then the handle turned and the door opened. Exposing me as I trembled with a towel wrapped around me "Come here." I flinched and shakily walked over to him, Closing the door behind me. It was still for a second then suddenly I was on the ground with a flaring pain on my face and a ringing in my head. He had slapped me. Hard. Tears leaked down as I clutched my throbbing face with a shaking hand, "Put this on and make me some food." He chucked something down near me and left the room. I wiped my lip with my hand and saw there was blood, he had split my lip. I picked up the thing he had thrown at me and saw it was a extremely oversized shirt, there was nothing else, I groaned before putting it on. It was like a dress. I rolled up the sleeves before walking down the stairs to the kitchen, I shivered as I felt someone watching me. Glancing sideways slightly I saw him sitting at the table smoking. He was looking at me intently as he smirked, I shuddered and quickly started cooking some eggs and bacon. Now you may be confused. Who is this guy? Who am I? Well I'll tell you. My name is Hinata Shoya and he is my boyfriend. Kageyama Tobio. I graduated 2 years ago, I've been dating him since then. It started when I moved in. At first it was nothing more then small shouting matches but then one time he got really mad and he hit me and now he does anything he wants to me whenever he wants. And he made rules.

Obey him
Never talk back
Don't talk to anyone
No phone
No friends
Don't try to run
Don't say no
Don't hide
Wear what he tells me too
Eat what he tells me too

I had learned the hard way what happens when you disobeyed him or broke a rule.
"Your burning the food." I started as he spoke right near my ear, I looked in horror at the burnt food, before whipping around "I-I-I'm so sorry! I'll-" I clamped my mouth shut as I saw his face "Bad boy." he raised his hand and hit me. I fell to the ground with a thud before curling into a ball, gasping, he had kicked me straight in the stomach. He crouched down and cocked his head as he took a deep drag from the cig. Watching me as I struggled to get my breath back, I clutched my stomach before cracking a eye open to look up at him. "Smile." His eyes had a maniac glint in them as he spoke one word, I obeyed him and forced a smile onto my face "Good.. Now scream." I stared in horror as he lowered the ciggerate right down near my leg "please don't..." I whimpered the fake smile slipping from my face "Whoops" he locked eyes with me and pushed it into my skin. I screamed and writhed as pain that was so hot it was cold filled me, he pushed it down harder before standing up and walking into the other room. I blankly gazed up at the roof as I shuddered, my throat sore and my leg throbbing. *I don't like it here* I thought dully before passing out.

The first ever chapter finished!! I hope u all like it UwU

* = thinking
" = talking

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