Cold Air

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(Sorry for taking so long for this one! It kept glitching and deleting meh progress T-T)

"Get up, We're going out."
I was awoken by a kick to my injured leg, I flinched and got up gritting my teeth against the pain. "You know what to do." I nodded and limped upstairs. Once reaching the bedroom I put on jeans, a long sleeved shirt along with a coat and earmuffs,

 Once reaching the bedroom I put on jeans, a long sleeved shirt along with a coat and earmuffs,

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it was cold outside. I limped back downstairs and down the hall to the door where Kageyama was waiting "turn around." I obeyed and he snapped a metal collar around my neck before putting a muffler over it. This was something he had bought after I had tried to run away one time, he had a small remote and if I tried to run he could click it and it sent a small painful electric shock to the collar on my neck, I had learned it the hard way. "Lets go." He opened the door and walked out into the frosty air, I followed him and gasped slightly as the cold air hit me "C'mon, Your slow." I hurriedly caught up to him until I was near his shoulder. This was an unspoken rule, Walk near him but don't touch him. Not that I wanted too, Just being near him makes me terrified "we're here." I stopped as we reached the park "sit there and don't move unless I say so." I sat down on the bench and looked at my shoes "Kageyama! Ya-hoo!" I jumped slightly as a loud voice pierced the quietness, I looked up as Oikawa ran over "Fancy meeting you here! How are you?" Oikawa asked "Fine." "So cold. Its been 2 years!" Oikawa pouted, then spotted me. "Chibi-chan! Hey!" "Hey Oikawa" I didn't quite look him in the eye as I forced a smile, I saw Kageyama's hand beckon me out of the corner of my eye so I stood up and walked over to his side. "So I take it you two are still dating then?" I swallowed the bile in my throat before latching onto Kageyama's arm "Yep!" I grinned snuggling into his side, "Yeah, still dating this dumbass." He said wrapping his arm around me. My grin faltered for a second before I quickly fixed it, I tried to focus on what they where saying and not on the sick feeling in my gut at being so close to him. "Hinata?" I jumped "Eh? Ah sorry what did you say?" I smiled sheepishly "I asked whether you wanted to come play some volley ball sometime, I know this great court we could use" Kageyama's arm tightened around me as his fingers tapped on the collar underneath the muffler "Ah- umm, sorry not this i'm... busy" I sighed internally as his fingers stopped tapping "Eh.. Okay then, next time" I nodded "Looks like its starting o snow, lets go back Hinata" Kageyama turned to leave and I was about to follow when Oikawa grabbed my shoulder "Chibi-chan! Can you give me your phone number?" I froze, I could basically feel Kageyama staring at me as I automatically responded "Of course, here" I shakily handed him my phone and he typed it in before handing it back "I'll see you soon then, see you chibi-chan. See you Kageyama" I turned around and walked over to Kageyama who grabbed my hand before stalking away, I flinched as he leaned down to my ear "Bad boy." I tried to stop tears from leaking out as an overwhelming horror seized me. Urging me to flee. To run. To do anything but be near Him.

Oikawa's pov

I stared intently at their retreating backs. Something was wrong, Hinata giving up a chance to play volleyball? That didn't belong in the same sentence. Plus he was pale and looked like he was going to faint and I could see straight through that fake smile that he had put on.. The question is, why though? Then I saw it out of the corner of my eye as I turned to leave, Kageyama leaned down to whisper something in Hinata's ear and as he did I saw a glimpse of Hinata's face. He looked scared.. No, terrified. Almost as if.. No, surely not. I knew that Kageyama had a temper when he was in high school but theres no way he would... Right?

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