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It was quiet. The faint sound of breathing the only signs of life. Then, the sound of a door opening. Footsteps. The creaking of stairs. The door opens and a figure walks in and comes to a stop near the bed. "...Hey Hinata, How are you doing today?" Oikawa asks softly. I don't reply, Just continue to stare blankly at my hands that are folded in my lap. Oikawa crouches down and takes one of them "Please say something..." He looks at me sadly for a second before kissing my hand, I don't respond. He sighs quietly before standing up again "... I love you" he turned
around and left the room, the silence quickly fills it again. Pressing down on me as I stare dully at nothing, my mind replaying the same scene over and over.

"-ata! Hinata!" I jerked myself awake "Hinata! Are you okay?" Oikawa was shaking me anxiously "Ah.. Yes I'm- wait! How long was I out?!" I mumbled then stood up abruptly, panic and dread mixing inside me "a minute or two, but thats beside the point! Who was on the phone? Why did you-" I cut him "Theres no time! We need to get to the hospital now!" My voice nearly reaching a yell as I grabbed his hand and dashed out the door and down the stairs "The hospital?  Why?!" I turned around, "Its my family!" I nearly sobbed, his eyes widened then he grabbed his keys from the table "Get in the car, now" We ran out the door and jumped into the car, I wrote down the hospitals address and gave it to him. He grabbed it, took one glance, put it between his teeth and twisted around as he reversed the car.

Once in the street he revved the engine and we were off, speeding towards the hospital

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Once in the street he revved the engine and we were off, speeding towards the hospital.  I was trembling and the feeling of dread was nearly making me sick as we got closer and closer..

"What..?" I stared blankly at the sad looking doctor, "We did everything we could but it was too late I'm afraid- ah Sir!" I collapsed to my knees, feeling suddenly empty as the world tipped out from underneath me. It was too late. I was too late. My family is dead.. And he killed them. Rage like I had never felt surged through me. I shoved Oikawa and the Doctor away before standing up and sprinting towards HIM. Kageyma hit the ground hard, I was on top of him "Murderer!" I screamed. My hands around his neck, his eyes bulged and he gasped for air "Hinata!" "Grab him!" People were grabbing my shoulders and arms and dragging me off him but I was blinded by fury. I kicked and clawed, feeling sick satisfaction at every punch I landed on Kageyama before I was restrained on the ground "are you okay sir?!" The Doctor helped Kageyama to his feet, "Yeah.. Thanks" he coughed, rubbing his throat "Murderer! You killed them!" I screamed and writhed, trying to get free from Oikawa's iron grip "What are you talking about? He tried to save your family!" I went still "what..?" The Doctor rubbed his forehead "When your family got hit by that truck Kageyama-kun was there, he called the ambulance and tried to save them!" Behind the Doctor I saw Kageyama smirk "Liar.. YOU LIAR!" I shouted, tears stung my eyes as I struggled. "Hinata stop!.. Please" Oikawa said quietly, the reality of what was happening sunk in. Tears streamed down my face and Oikawa let me go, I curled into a ball. Sobbing, feeling like I would never stop. Oikawa enveloped me in a tight hug  but the only thing I was aware of was this piercing pain in my chest "He's had a severe shock, a few days rest and he should be fine" Oikawa thanked the doctor before helping me stand up and leading me out of the hospital to his car, he helped me in before starting the car and driving back to his place.

I blinked and looked around dully. it was dark already and I could hear Oikawa moving around downstairs "...." I opened my mouth then closed it again, I hadn't spoken since that day. Oikawa had called doctors but they said that it was just because of shock and that I would start talking again soon. But then one week went by, then two, and I still didn't speak. I drew into myself and I would sit in bed in a daze for hours. I had blanks in my memory where I would suddenly blink and realise I couldn't remember anything from the past hour or so, The panic attacks and insomnia started a week ago. I was listless and pale and had bags under my eyes as the results of it, "Hinata? Are you hungry?" Oikawa walked in and sat down in the bed, "I've made dinner if you want some.." I shook my head slightly "come on, you have to eat" Silence "Thats it."  I looked up at him blankly just as he grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder "!!!" My eyes widened "You give me no other choice, Down we go!" I yelped as we went down the stairs and to the table where he sat down and plopped me in his lap, I stayed frozen with shock "Eat." I blinked at the soup that was on the table. seeing that I didn't move he grabbed the spoon, dipped it into the soup and put it near my mouth "Eat" The delicious smell made my mouth water but I looked away "I will do it mouth to mouth if I have to" I glared at him "See, the Hinata I know is still in there" he smiled and I looked at my hands "...should I be happy.." I mumbled "What?" I took a breath "Why should I be happy?" My voice trembled "...." Oikawa was silent for a second "Because thats what they would have wanted." I sniffed, realising I was crying. I picked up the spoon and started eating, all the while crying silent tears.

I hope ur all enjoying the story so far! •w•

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