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!Warning! Kageyama alert and I think u all know what that means ε-('∀`; )

I gazed at the clouds as they drifted across the sky and the trees rustled from the light wind that whistled through them "!!" I suddenly jumped as a hand grabbed my shoulder "...oh" It was Kageyama, he smirked coldly as he pushed me against the wall "Ah!" I cried out in pain as he twisted my arm behind my back "Since you've been so kind as to show up today smelling like that dickhead I'm going to make you suffer" He said and I could hear the cold cold anger in it "What are you doing...!" He took something out if his pocket and grabbed the waistband of my pants "Shut up" He yanked them down slightly "Whoops" I cried out again as he shoved something inside me "What are you-!" He suddenly slipped something inside my mouth and I gagged "Swallow." He twisted my arm tighter and I quickly swallowed it, seeing that I had done it he suddenly let me go and I slid down to knees. Tears in my eyes "Now, I have something that I need" I turned and looked up at him, disgust swelling as whatever he had shoved inside me shifted slightly "...What did you put inside me." My tone was dripping with anger "What do you think hmmm?" He pulled a little remote from his pocket and I frowned "What is that for-" he flicked something and all my muscles locked as I collapsed forwards, it was vibrating like crazy inside me and I could no longer think properly, the world was flickering and my eyes rolled in my head as fierce waves of pleasure swept through me like a hurricane. Then just as suddenly it had started it stopped and I gasped for air, "What a lovely reaction," he squatted and took a picture, I pushed myself up shakily "Take it out!" I yelled savagely "Ah ah ah, bad boy" he slapped me "Now, I need you to go to this store and get me these things and If you don't I'll send these pictures to your precious Oikawa" He shoved a piece of paper into my hand before leaning against the wall and pulling out a cig, I slowly grabbed my coat and put it on before walking away stiffly. I glanced at the piece of paper and headed to the shop, walking slowly and trying to act like I actually didn't have a vibrater stuck inside me that rubbed against me every time I moved, sending strong jolts of pleasure through me. By the time I got there I was panting, my legs were weak and I felt lightheaded and unsteady, I was glad I had brought a long coat that ended just above my knees, otherwise it would have been hard to hide the fact that I was now uncomfortably hard. I swore inwardly as I remembered the thing that he had made me eat... Well shit. "Welcome!" The shop owner called as I entered and I bowed my head weakly before staggering behind one of the shelves, I felt exposed and all I wanted to do was curl up and die from embarrassment. I took a few gulping breaths before looking at the list "Welcome!" I heard the shopkeeper call again and I glanced between the shelf before groaning inwardly, it was Kageyama. Why did he come?! I gritted my teeth before starting to get some things, I was about halfway when someone suddenly exclaimed "Hinata! Is that you?" I turned around stiffly to see Tanaka and nearly groaned out loud "Tanaka.. Hey" He smacked my back and grinned "Its been ages! Yu said he saw you not to long ago too!" I managed to smile back as THAT jolted inside me from him hitting me "Y-Yep!" I squeaked trying to keep my legs from caving in "You okay by the way? You look sweaty" He narrowed his eyes but I waved my hand "I'm f-fine! Nothing wrong here! Umm how have you been??" I tried to act normal and to not pant "I'm good, so whatcha been up to lately?" He draped an arm over my shoulder and I barely managed to stay on my feet "N-Nothing really.. What about you?" I heard a faint sound and I glanced through the shelf slightly as Tanaka started rattling off his what he'd been doing lately, I met the eyes of Kageyama as he raised his hand slightly. He was holding the remote "Act normal," he mouthed and I stared at him in horror *He wouldn't dare* He smirked. He did dare. He flicked it and I let out a strangled gasp "then- hey you okay?" Tanaka cut off and looked at me with concern "...Mhm" I managed to squeeze out and grin as it vibrated inside me and made me want to curl into a ball or scream and rip it out. Either sounded good right now as Tanaka continued talking but all I could think, feel and know was the raw feeling that roiled, kicked and swelled in me "Excuse me for a second!" I gasped before untangling Tanaka's arm and racing towards the door that said bathroom. Once in a cubicle I collapsed, no longer able to stand or even think. I couldn't even take it out, thats how weak I felt right now. All I could do was shudder and pant and stifle the disgusting moans that tried to escape, I barely even registered the fact that Kageyama had just opened the cubicle door and came in before locking it behind him and kneeling down near me "Shall I turn it up?" I heard him sneer than suddenly I couldn't breath. Couldn't think. Couldn't hear. Couldn't move. It was almost like I had blacked out until he turned it off and all my muscles unclenched and I went completely limp. Unable to do anything but gaze blankly as he took it out and I could hear the malice in his voice as he smirked "You failed the test. Guess I'll have to punish you" I barely even registered what he had said until it was to late and he had already thrust into me, I gazed dully at the tiled floor. Tears blurring my eyes and dripping silently to the ground, I dully heard someone come into the bathroom and Kageyama slowed "Hinata? You good?" It was Tanaka, Kageyama sat me up in his lap "Answer." He whispered and I weakly raised my drooping head "I-I'm fine, just umm.. to much breakfast-" I cut off as Kageyama lifted me slightly then slowly lowered me again and I clamped my hands on my mouth "I have to go so I guess I'll text you later then?" Tanaka said and I heard his feet shift "Y-Yep bye!" I managed to stutter and I heard the bathroom door open and close, "Good boy. Now shut up," Kageyama said and he stood up and slammed me onto the toilet seat before thrusting into me roughly and I clamped back a scream and my head rolled forward limply as it became hard to breath and my head grew fuzzy.

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