Don't Go

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Contains drama TwT

I had continued talking to and meeting up with Haru for a few weeks when it happened.

We were hanging out as usual (I had managed to get away from Oikawa despite his complaints)
And everything was fine. Until we started talking about dating and other things "You dating anyone?" He suddenly asked me as we sat on the swings at the park "uhhh...what about you?" I awkwardly turned the question on him instead, not really wanting to talk about my relationships with him "I'm a single pringle currently, But I do have someone I like.. They just don't know it yet" He fiddled with the chains for a bit "You should go for it, I'm sure they'll like you back" He looked up from the chain "Really?" I nodded "Yup, just be yourself" I smiled softly, and thats when it happened. He kissed me. I sat there, in shock. Unable to comprehend what was happening and do anything about it until I heard the crunch of feet, I shoved Haru away and stood up from the swing, already feeling sick as I turned and met Oikawa's gaze "You're cheating on me." it wasn't a question "What- No I- I would never-"  "Do that? Well it looks that way to me." I walked over to him, feeling panic build "I swear I'm not, It was a-a accident!" I tried to grab his hand but he slapped mine away "A accident. Right. You actually expect me to believe that?" The hurt in his eyes was making my heart break "Oikawa please," Tears welled "Hinata-" Panic swelled "Oikawa please! I'm sorry!-" My voice broke "We're over." Those two simple words fell from his lips and floated silently to the ground. I tried to stop him from turning. From walking. But he shoved me away and I watched. Frozen, as he walked away. "Don't go"

But my hand reached out to emptiness and I collapsed

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But my hand reached out to emptiness and I collapsed. Unable to cry. Unable to move. Unable to think or even feel *You deserve this.*
I don't know how long I sat there. Eventually I felt a hand touch my shoulder but I shook it off, standing up I started walking home. Trying to block out this horrible throbbing all consuming pain that swelled and filled my entire body...

"Umm.. Hey Hinata.." Go away. "Do you want to eat anything..?" Its your fault. "....Hinata?" Shut up. "...I'm sorry." No your not.
Haruto walked out of the living room and I continued looking blankly out the window. I was curled up on the couch, like I had been since I had got here. When I had stumbled home and seen my packed bags outside the reality that it was actually happening sunk in. Oikawa had really left me. I had never felt this low before. Like I had no reason to do anything anymore, feeling was to painful so I locked it inside. Thinking hurt so I chose not to.

"Hinata, Why don't you go for a walk or something..? Go outside for a bit..." I barely even registered Haruto's question until he shook my shoulder ".....Whatever..." I slapped his hand off and stood up, I grabbed the thick hoodie from my bag and put it on but It was only after I had walked out the door did I realise the hoodie was Oikawa's. So I ran. I ran until my legs gave out and I slumped against the bridge railing. My hand clutching the cold metal as I panted for air, as I did so I looked through the railing to the water far below *I could jump right now. No ones around. No one would know. No one would care. I could make the pain disappear. I could disappear.* I felt a stinging pain on my chest and I realised I was squeezing it so hard my hand was white. *huh* I let go. But it wasn't enough, this isn't enough. I saw a small sharp looking pebble. I picked it up. I cut myself. First my arms. Then my hands. The stinging throbbing pain felt good. Relieving even. Small spots of blood dripped to the ground *I got Oikawa's hoodie dirty.* the white fabric was now stained red in multiple areas *Ah.* A tear dripped onto my hand. Then another. So I sat there. Leaning against the metal bars. Bleeding from shallow cuts. Stained bloody to big hoodie. Crying soundlessly. I probably would have stayed there all night if it wasn't for a police officer coming and taking me to the station, he bandaged my arms and hands and took my mumbled information plus my phone before calling someone. I just sat there silently on the chair. Staring at my clenched hands "Someones on their way to pick you up" The officer said awkwardly before sitting down and typing stuff in on the computer. Typing filled the silence. Minutes passed. A buzzer sounded. The officer stood up, left the room. I heard muffled voices. Footsteps. The door opening followed by a sharp intake of breath, I raised my head and looked straight into Oikawa's eyes.


Fs in the chat for Hinata
( T^T)\(T~T )

Sorry it's short

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