Haruto Tatsuki

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"What was that earlier?" Oikawa asked as he blocked me from going upstairs "Nothing." I folded my arms "Is that sass I'm sensing?" He raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes "Sass? From me? Never," He frowned "Sarcasm, thats new" I looked at him flatly before walking past, I had barely made it halfway up the stairs when I heard him coming after me. I bolted and made it into the room just as he tackled me "Ah!-" We fell onto the bed and I squirmed, trying to get free from his arms "Ah ah ah! Not so fast, I need to teach this little boy what happens when he sass's The Great King!" He flipped us over so that he was now looming over me,

 I bolted and made it into the room just as he tackled me "Ah!-" We fell onto the bed and I squirmed, trying to get free from his arms "Ah ah ah! Not so fast, I need to teach this little boy what happens when he sass's The Great King!" He flipped ...

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my hands in his tight grip "What are you going to do?" He blinked, just realising what an awkward position we were in "...This?" His lips grazed mine, I stared at him for a second before kissing him "You win," I smiled softly once we broke apart "Uh...." He seemed unable to form any words so I just kissed him again, lighter this time before I pushed his off and got out of the bed "...." He looked at me and I nearly leapt back into his arms so I turned and left, putting more emphasis in the swing of my hips as I did so. But as soon as I left his line of sight I collapsed against the wall, embarrassment making me bright red as I clutched my face. No sign of the confident boy from before *Why did I do thattttt?? Ahhhh! My heart can't take much more of this....!*


"Where are you going?" Oikawa leaned against the wall as I put on my boots at the door "I'm meeting a old friend of mine from school, he said he wanted to catch up" I straightened up and took my coat off the rack "The same guy you've been texting and grinning about?" I rolled my eyes at his remark and hugged him "I wasn't grinning and yes. But It'll only be for a bit, okay?" He squeezed me one last time before letting me go "Fine.. you sure I can't come with you? I have a bad feeling..." I smiled at him gently "You have a nightshift today and I'll be perfectly fine. I'll see you later," I opened the door and he waved before it clicked shut behind me.

"Hinataaaaa!!!" I jumped and turned just as someone picked me up and spun me around in a tight hug "Haha.. Hey Haru" He put me down and grinned, Haruto Tatsuki, tall, messy dark brown hair and sea green eyes, he was the popular guy, the guy that everyone liked and wanted to hang out with. And he was also my weird ass friend, we hadn't spoken since graduation because of.. Well, the Kageyama issue really.
"How have you been, Haru?" Haru was the nickname that everyone used to call him "Good, you?" His smile was as bright as ever "Fine... Um.. You still own Muchi?" We sat down on a park bench "Yep! She's going great, oh and guess what! Just the other day I....." And thats what we did for an hour. Chatting, laughing and joking. Just like old times. Eventually I stood up "I have to go, it was nice talking again" He stood up and hugged me, thats the thing with Haruto, he will just hug you out of nowhere. He's impulsive as hell but he always made me laugh so I don't really mind "Lets catch up again soon, See you!" He let me go before waving and walking away "Bye, Haru!" I waved and turned, beginning my walk home just as it started to lightly snow.

Haruto Tatsuki is a character I made up btw

Muchi is his cat •w•

its winter. Winter means snow OvO

Sorry it's short -w-

Dramallama is my favourite word (don't even know why i'm saying that but whatever lol)

Cya >w<

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