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I wished that tomorrow would never come but it did. And I had never felt more fear in my life "Hey you listening?" I blinked back into focus as Oikawa waved his fork in front of my face "Sorry, what were you saying?" He frowned slightly "I said, what are we?" I stared at him for a second "As in..?" He sighed "As in, are we dating?" I felt my face begin to heat up "Uhhh... Umm- That is- I- we-" words came tumbling out of my mouth in a jumbled mess "do you love me?" He looked nervous, I was quiet as I looked deep into the roiling mass of emotions inside me. How I had butterflies when he was close, how his smile made me happy, how I felt when he kissed me, how I felt safe when I was with him and the answer seemed to appear as if it had been there all along. "Yes" I said and I wished I could freeze time as the happiest smile I had ever seen spread over his face "Hinata will you-" "Yes, yes, yes and yes" I got up from the chair and leapt into his arms feeling like I was on cloud nine as he swung me around, then he kissed me and It had never felt more right  "I love you" I grinned blushing like a idiot and feeling like I was about to burst from happiness. After a few minutes of hugging,

kissing, more hugging and a whole lot more kissing we finally settled down and I could feel my happiness start to ebb away "I don't want to goooooo" Oikawa grumbled at the door as I helped him put his coat on "You have to, otherwise they'll fire y...

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kissing, more hugging and a whole lot more kissing we finally settled down and I could feel my happiness start to ebb away "I don't want to goooooo" Oikawa grumbled at the door as I helped him put his coat on "You have to, otherwise they'll fire you!" I rolled my eyes "Would that be such a bad thing though?" He asked cheekily "Yes! Now get going!" I laughed before giving him a hug and a peck on the lips "One more for you new boyfriend?" He paused "go! Your gonna be late!" He laughed as I blushed and shooed him out the door "Love you," I smiled and waved "Love you too!" Before closing the door and sighing heavily as guilt started gnawing at my insides *I can't go.. But what if he hurts Oikawa!...* My mind was full of yelling, debating, guilt, fear and dread as I mulled on what to do, I bit my lip before grabbing a coat and leaving the house. Wishing I could be going anywhere but to HIM.

"I'm back!" I jerked awake on the couch as I heard Oikawa come in the front door "Yoo-hoo! Anyone home?" I quickly got up and walked into the hall "Welcome home!" I tried to sound as energetic as possible and ignored the flaring pain in my throat "You sound kinda raspy, you feeling okay?" Oikawa asked after he had hugged me "I'm fine, never been better!" I grinned then scratched my head "Though I may or may not have forgotten to cook dinner, ahaha" I laughed sheepishly "...." His smile froze on his face "Your joking" I shook my head "You shall pay for this!!" He said in mock outrage and I turned and bolted "Oh-no you don't!" Oikawa's arms wrapped around me from behind just as I got to the living room "this is your punishment! tickle attack!!" He started tickling me "I'm sorry!" I yelled with laughter as I squirmed in his grip "You're not getting away!" We fell onto the couch as he continued to tickle me "Sto- ahah! S-Stop!" Tears were in my eyes by the time he stopped and I collapsed onto his chest, wheezing "S-So cruel.." I panted and he smirked "Your punishment has been dealt, I now forgive you" I rolled my eyes before snuggling my head into the crook of his neck "Clingy today are we?" His arms wrapped around me, I sniffed "Hey are you okay?" He shifted slightly "Y-Yeah.. umm, Do you wanna get takeaway?" I mumbled into his neck "Sure, pizza?" He ruffled my hair "Pizza" I agreed snuggling into him one last time before allowing him to get up and order some food "You've been looking pretty tired lately.. You feeling okay?" Oikawa asked as he plopped back down on the couch after ordering "...I haven't been sleeping well thats all," I said as he put a arm around my shoulder and I snuggled into his side "Nightmares again?" He asked gently "...Yeah.. Nightmares.." I said quietly, he kissed my head before turning on the TV. I had lied, it wasn't nightmares. It was because of Kageyama, I had been meeting him everyday and been forced to do all sorts of things for him.. I nearly cried just thinking about it, the guilt was the worst thing though. It gnawed at me constantly and whenever I was with Oikawa it would whisper "Cheater" as if to remind me that I was betraying him everyday. I had tried to stop but it hadn't gone as planned..

Meet me at the usual

I want to stop. We're over Kageyama and you need to see that. Lets stop.. Please

-Sent a picture-

I tapped on the picture with trembling hands and nearly vomited

It was Oikawa on a train platform with the caption:
"One shove is all it would take."

After that I had tried a couple of times but it was always the same. A picture of Oikawa waiting for the traffic light to change.
"One shove is all it would take."
A picture of Oikawa walking over a bridge.
"One shove is all it would take."
A picture of Oikawa waiting for a tram to pass
And a picture of Oikawa at his work place on a balcony, smoking.
"One shove is all it would take."

"-wake up, the pizza's here" I blinked and realised I had fallen asleep "Ah.. Okay" I rubbed my eyes and stood up before frowning "Why am I wearing your sweater..?" Oikawa smiled "You were cold" I pushed past him "You look adorable by the way!" he called from the living room, I flushed and quickly answered the door "Here's your pizza- ah.." I blinked in astonishment "Nishinoya-senpai..?" Standing in the doorway was indeed Nishinoya "Hinata! Omg! What a surprise!!" He pulled me into a hug "Its been ages! How's life? How are you? How's Kageyama?" I winced 'Umm good to the first two and well umm..." He frowned "whats the problem?-" Suddenly Oikawa's arms wrapped around my waist and his chin was on my head "Whats taking so long.. Oh" I blushed as Nishinoya gaped at us "Wha- wait wait! Your with this guy?! What happened to Kageyama!" I fidgeted with Oikawa's hands "Its.. Its a long story.. Umm would you like to come in..?" Nishinoya agreed and before long we were sitting at the table "So.. Do you still keep in touch with everyone? And are you still dating Asahi?" I asked somewhat awkwardly "Yes and yes, All apart from you and Kageyama, its like you guys dropped off the face of the planet one day, no one could contact you and you suddenly moved!" I grimaced "I guess you want a explanation..." Nishinoya nodded and narrowed his eyes at Oikawa who smiled back "Well.. Umm.. I was dating Kageyma, it was going great. But than one day he started.. Umm.. Hurting me," Nishinoya stared at me in disbelief "It went on for.. awhile and he threatened me so I couldn't leave.. Than Oikawa saved me.. but umm... M-My family.. My family they-" I stopped talking as a lump appeared in my throat and I felt a stinging in my eyes "Oh Hinata.. I'm so sorry," Nishinoya said thickly as Oikawa put an arm around my shoulder "Its- its fine, Its over now and I'm.. I'm safe" I forced out the lie and wiped my eyes "Here," Nishinoya scribbled on some paper from his pocket before sliding it over to me "Its my phone number, you can text me anytime" He smiled before checking his watch "I have to go, but it was nice to seeing you again Hinata" we stood up and I gave him a hug plus the money for the foot and waved before closing the door "Pizza?" Oikawa asked and I nodded and we took it to the living room and ate it while watching a movie and snuggling on the couch.

Ahhhhhhhhhh finallly!!!!
Im so sorry for the wait -w-
Writers block + other stuff was making it harder to get this one done 😂 but now its done and I hope you all enjoyed it! I am already writing the next chapter too, so I'll see you later!

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