Chapter 14 : Goodbyes

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Finn tightened the knot on his black tie. God he blamed himself. He didn't want it to end like this, he never wanted it. All he wanted was to see Rachel look at him with love in his eyes. He should never have revealed the story between her and the diva. He hadn't cried, he had no right. Crying after all he had done to her would have been disrespectful. He didn't even understand why Rachel had come to see him, she had asked him to come, because that was what she would have wanted. His mother entered the room.

Carol : Your brother is telling me to tell you it's time.

Yes, he hadn't lost her by doing that. He had lost all of his real friends and his own brother. Kurt had refused to speak to him for seven days. Seven days. It had been seven days since he had lost everything. Seven days after Santana came knocking on her door and threw herself on him to kill him, she had said it herself. The next day, no member of the Glee club had spoken to him. At class time, Mr. Shuester had fired him definitively from the Glee Club. He hadn't said anything, he had just left the room, lowering his head. He had heard her friends burst into tears behind the door, saying that she didn't deserve this. The students who had harassed her had all gone to the infirmary and Santana had been expelled for a week. That was why Rachel could have asked him to come. What he had done was unforgivable, and he knew it. He settled into the passenger seat of Van de Burt, his brother did not look at him. The road to the room was done in silence. On arrival, Kurt opened the door and before leaving addressed his brother:

Kurt : It could have been me.

He then joined Blaine and the others. Sue Sylvester was there too, after all, she considered her daughter. Santana was with Rachel and Brittany, the tall blonde wiped away her tears and held the latina in her arms. Rachel said nothing, she seemed somewhere else. He leaned against a stone pillar, not wanting to go to the groups that had been created. But Santana saw him, removed from Brittany's grip and rushed towards him before slapping him violently.

Santana: ¿Cómo te atreves a ir allí, gilipollas sucio? ¡Cómo te atreves a mostrarte a su último adiós cuando es por ti que estamos allí! How dare you? How dare you go up there dirty asshole ?! How dare you show yourself to her last goodbye when it is because of you that we are there! How dare you ?

He lowered his head, expecting a second slap, but Rachel intervened before.

Rachel : I asked her to come to San. She would have wanted it. Still, he was her boyfriend.

The Hispanic calmed down and returned to Brittany. Finn tried to speak to the brunette, but the brunette left him too quickly. God he blamed himself. The priest brought them into the room. He settled down, he knew he was not welcome with the Glee Club. He heard Mercedes swallow a sob and saw Tina her head on Mike's shoulder. He said to himself that she really did not deserve that but that at least people had come and loved her. God what had he done ? The ceremony started and it was time for the speeches, it was Puck who started.

Puck: She was one of the most important people to me. She was always ready to help me, even after the low blow I gave her. And when she told me that Beth was the only good thing she did, I wanted to cry. She was the mother of my daughter, my Baby Mama ...

Rare were the times Finn had seen his best friend cry. But the young Jew was inconsolable and sat down before crying in Sam's arms. Mercedes, Brittany, Sue and Kurt followed one another. Santana had not made a speech, it was beyond her strength. The last speech was that of Rachel. She advanced towards the desk, she wore a thin black dress.

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