Chapter 16 : Do you love me ?

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Rachel was crossing the hospital corridor, a bouquet of roses in her hand. There was excitement coming from the singer, probably due to the fact that it was the last time she was going to see her girlfriend in the hospital. Indeed, after two and a half weeks spent in a room, Quinn would finally be able to go out and return to the school, if she was spared, it was one of the only conditions of Mr. Stones, the doctor who took care of the blond. When she had known that, Rachel had jumped for joy to be able to have her precious girlfriend permanently with her. They were back together as soon as Rachel had been able to speak to Quinn with the certification that everything was fine. Indeed, the blonde had apparently thought about the possibility that her confrontation with her father concerning her homosexual son could kill her and want the Diva to have no punishment, which had caused her a scandal of Rachel on his unconsciousness and his idiotic son followed by a passionate kiss, in short, the two girls were again in a relationship. Coming back to our main subject, Rachel approached her blonde's bedroom and heard voices inside. She parted the white door, revealing two police officers asking Quinn questions.

Quinn : Yes, that's it, Inspector. She noticed Rachel at the entrance. Hello my heart! Let me introduce Inspector Smith (you can throw me tomatoes for the cliché name, I had no other idea), he came to take my testimony concerning my father's trial.

The brunette nodded to the two officers and came to stand next to the blonde's bed to kiss her lips, a kiss that intensified and was interrupted by a clearing of Smith's throat.

Smith : Miss Fabray, can you continue to tell us what happened the night of the suicide attempt ?

The brunette's eyes darkened, it was the last one she chose to hear. Quinn put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Quinn : You don't have to stay if it's too hard to hear Rach.

Rachel : No. I want to know what happened that day Quinnie, it's important to me.

Quinn : I would have preferred that you never know it but good. My father came to ask my mother to leave the house for a ride, I knew it was to be able to hit me. I rushed over to my mom and got her ...

Smith : Supplied. We know it, but we like to know what just happened between your father and you.

Quinn : Sure, but I had to explain the context. So after my mother left, he approached me and first grabbed my throat, he let me go only when he saw that I was starting to suffocate, you know what he was did then.

The policeman who accompanied the inspector took out a sheet of paper from his notebook.

Police officer : Multiple lesions on the body, three fractured ribs, a fractured arm, serious injuries to the stomach, is that it ?

The diva clenched her teeth and her muscles tensed, her girlfriend began to rub her forearm gently for relaxation.

Quinn : Yes, that's it. So I was barely standing and he told me that I had better throw myself out of a roof, that would suit him. I did not think that I would survive or even that staying alive was useful for something therefore I listened to it and you know the continuation.

Smith : Indeed, thank you Miss Fabray, you have just condemned your father for surely ten years, if not more.

Quinn didn't answer and looked down. The two men left the published play, the two teenagers alone. Rachel handed the blonde the bouquet of roses she had planned to give him. As a thank you, the girl placed a kiss on her lips before asking her to go and place them on the table opposite. They then stuck against each other and stalled on their respective breaths.

Rachel : Are you afraid ?

Quinn: Of what ? 

Rachel : To go back to high school.

Quinn : Yes, it scares me that people look at me like Quinn Fabray, the girl who threw herself from a roof. But the worst I think will be people's pitying looks.

Rachel : You don't have to think about it you know ? What is important is that we are there for you.

Quinn : Will you be there when it's over ?

Rachel : Always.

Quinn : Do you love me ? Do you ? 

The diva looked at her and nodded gently.

Rachel : Like crazy.

Quinn : How would you like to suggest a duet for the Glee Club? Since we can't sing together at the Nationals ...

Rachel : It is out of the question that I do a duet with Finn !

Quinn : I was talking about the fact that you should do a solo.

Rachel : I'd rather sing with you ...

Quinn : Rachel Berry prefer me to her precious solos? It is a real honor !

Rachel : Quinn ! Stop, you know I prefer you to anything on Earth.

Quinn : You too are my favorite person on Earth.

Rachel : You know I love you Miss Fabray ?

Quinn : And you, you know that I love you Miss Berry ?

Santana : Too much cuties here! You're softening Fabray !

The two girls turned to Santana, who was in the doorway, a smile on her face.

Rachel : Because we're talking about Brittany and you the other night ?

Quinn : What other night ?

Santana (surprise): Joder, were you there Rach ?!

Rachel: I left when I started to hear moans ...

Santana : Quinn shut up your girlfriend your girlfriend, I'm going to kill her if she continues.

Quinn : Couldn't you have stayed to film ?

Santana : Finally, I'm the one I'm going to kill.

Brittany : You will not kill anyone Santana Lopez !

Brittany had just entered the room and had nudged Santana.

Santana : If you're the one asking me my love ...

Quinn (sighing) : And she dares to say that I'm cute with Rach ...

Santana : Shut up Q !

The four friends burst out laughing. Quinn tried not to think about who was waiting for her tomorrow and to focus on the happiness she was feeling right now.


Well, I wanted to make a cute chapter, I don't know if it was successful ... Leave me a little comment, it would make me happy! I tell you ... See you !

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