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Last day of school.

Y/N Torres rises from her bed and walks to her vanity. She faintly hears the song her and Mitchie have been working on coming from Mitchie's room. As she listens to it through the wall that separated her room and her sister's, Y/N sits down in her vanity chair. She runs a brush through her long dirty blond locks given to her by her dad. When she finally works out the last knot in her hair, she stands up and makes her way to her closet.

Shifting through her clothes, pulling faces at some, she finally settles on a short sleeved blue and yellow dress with a black belt around the waist that she borrowed from her older sister Mitchie.

Quickly changing into it, she grabbed her back pack and song book, and headed out her bedroom door at the same time as Mitchie.

"Hey Mitch," Y/N greets, "you'll think she'll let us go?"

"Oh totally, I'm confident we'll be on our way to Camp Rock Saturday."

Smiling the two sisters head down the stairs where they were greeted by their mother, her holding two plates of cheese omelettes. The two girls thank her before walking to the table.

Looking up, Y/N notices Hot Tunes was playing on the tv. Glancing at her mother, Y/N asks, "Hey mom, can you turn up the tv please?"

Nodding, Connie Torres turned up the tv to hear what the reporter was saying.

"The pop star," the reporter says, " Shane Gray, may have gone too far this time when he stormed off the set of the new Connect Three music video. The word is the other band members of Connect Three are fed up." The tv shows a picture of Shane Gray zoomed in. Y/N sighs. How can someone so good looking be so rude? "This final stunt caused his label thousands of dollars and may cost them the rest of their record deal."

Connie sighs and looks at her two daughters. "What is wrong with that boy? He's got everything."

Mitchie has a look of disgust on her face. "Yeah except a clue."

Feeling defensive, Y/N replies, "Maybe the fame is getting to his head. Maybe a few days away from his pop star life will be good for him."

Sighing the three look back at tv and continue to listen. "The message is clear, he needs to clean up his act and to give him time to do it, the Connect Three summer tour has been cancelled."

Clicking the off button on the tv, Connie turns to her daughters. "Look what I found in the crisper." In her hand, she holds up the Camp Rock Brochure Y/N and Mitchie hid the previous night. "A Camp Rock brochure, or should I say another Camp Rock brochure." Mitchie makes a confused sound like she has no idea what she is talking about, but the wide smiles on her and Y/N's faces give it away.

"Look at that," Mitchie says, "oh and great cheese omelette by the way. You should definitely add that to your catering menu."

"So you guys have no idea how this got in there?"

They shake their heads with innocent expressions on their faces.

"Or the one taped to the vacuum cleaner?" Seeing the expectant look on her girls' faces, Connie sighs. "Sweeties, I know you guys want to go this camp and I'm sorry but we just can't swing it right now. With Dad expanding the store and my catering business just taking off....." Upon seeing the crestfallen expression on her daughters' faces, Connie says, "Oh babies, I'm so sorry."

"I know," Mitchie replies, "uh, gotta go, last day of school, don't want to be late."

Mitchie leaves the table to go brush her teeth. Y/N stands up slowly, going over to the other side of the table where her mom sits. Connie embraces her youngest.

"Have a good last day of school, sweetheart."

"Thanks mom. Love you."

"Love you too." Connie replies as she watches her youngest head upstairs to brush her teeth as well.


Walking down the hallway of their school at the end of the day, Y/N and Mitchie stop at latter's locker to clean it out.

Mitchie unlocks her locker and begins to take out the Camp Rock brochures that have been stored in there since Christmas. As she helps throw them away in the garbage across from Mitchie's locker, Y/N notices their mutual friend Sierra making her way towards them.

"Hey Mitchie, Y/N."

"Hey Sierra." Mitchie greets while Y/N just waves.

"So how did it go this morning? Did she say yes?"

"No. Camp Rock is a no go." Mitchie says, sadness present in her tone.

"But you have to go. Camp Rock is like the music camp. Anybody who wants to be somebody in music-"

She cuts herself on seeing the frowns on Y/N's and Mitchie's faces.

"All of which you two know already. Sorry."

"Me too," Y/N replies sadly.

"I was just so excited to have a summer that was all about music and..." Mitchie trails off.

"I know." Sierra replies, looking down. "So...what are you guys going to do this summer?"

"Y/N and I will probably just work and write some more songs together."

Saying bye to Sierra, Y/N and Mitchie walk to their house. Walking in the backyard, Y/N notices her dad grilling their famous Torres' burgers. Still feeling sad about not going to Camp Rock, Y/N sets her bag across the grill, her back facing her parents.

Hearing their parents laugh, the two girls spin on their heels and face them, confused expressions on their faces.

"Ok," their dad said, "I can't stand it. Tell them."

"Well Steve, they just got home from school."

"Tell us what?" Y/N replies, expecting more bad news.

"Ok honey," her mom looks at her dad, "drum roll."

Tired of waiting, Mitchie speaks up, "Mom!"

Turning to her two daughters, Connie announces the news, "Ok, ok. You two are going to Camp Rock!"

Y/N and Mitchie look at each other in disbelief. "What?" They exclaim in unison.

"She said you guys are going to Camp Rock!" Their dad answers with a smile on his face.

"Well actually, all three of us are going." Their mom gestures between herself and Y/N and Mitchie. "Connie's catering is going camping. Business is slow in the summer, this is a steady job, and you two get to go to camp at a discounted rate."

Y/N and Mitchie scream in excitement and rush over to embrace their parents.

"But you two have to help out in the kitchen," their mom says as they pull away from the hug.

"Yes, okay. Thank you, thank you." Y/N and Mitchie repeat over and over as they rush inside the house to start packing.

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